
Is Ryan Buell from paranormal state g*y?

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He wears 2 earings, and acts sort of strange at times.




  1. Why not talk about how lousy Buell is as a Paranormal Investigator.  I can tell you from personal experience that demons don't exist, so can someone tell me how he and his fat priests expel them ?

  2. He says that he is Bi

  3. Yep, hes homo

  4. Ryan and Sergey are life partners. Sergey is g*y, and later this year, Ryan will have his autobiography debuted, in which he will admit he is a bi sexual. There are photos taken at several parties in which the couple was attending. But there are some that shows the couple's embrace.

    Does this mean that the couple do not care about their research, nor their professional demeanor in dealing with PRS clients? No. They are consenting adults, and should be left alone in their private lives.

  5. He is isnt sure if hes g*y he maybe Bi he says hes a swinger and not sure

  6. mmk i really dont know but in my own opinion it would be an unjustice to all women because he is absoutly s**y but it wouldnt really change anything

  7. noooooooooooooooooo

  8. is it lust or love?

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