
Is Ryan Malone stupid for not wearing a visor. He already had a broken nose.?

by Guest66880  |  earlier

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It could have offered some protection from a flying puck.




  1. Definitely.  I don't understand why players refuse to wear visors.  Does it really obstruct their view that much that they should risk their safety?  Obviously, a puck at that speed would have shattered Malone's visor, but it definitely would have slowed down the puck before it reached his face.  If anything, his dad should be the one telling him to wear a visor.  He knows first hand what it's like to get smashed in the face...14 times...and should look out for his son...

    Colin White of the Devils did not previously wear a visor, and he took a puck to the eye.  He can barely see through that eye now, and his NHL career was in jeopardy.  Towards the beginning of the season, management gave him 10 games and said if he couldn't perform with only seeing through one eye he would have to retire.  Luckily he can still play, and White now wears a visor, but that's a little too late.  He learned the hard way.

  2. If Malone doesn't want to wear it, he doesn't want to wear it - doesn't make him any less intelligent. It's all personal preference, really. Granted, it would have helped - but he's had many broken noses in the past few years.

    & THIS incident made me cry, i'm not even gonna lie. I was emotional as is, and seeing my favorite hockey player get a puck shot at his face made me spew tears lol

  3. If my face was already injured, I'd be wearing a cage, not a visor. I look at it as stupidity, but to each their own. If Ryan Malone wants a mangled face that's fine with me.

  4. Some players don't like wearing the visor. I'm sure he might be reconsidering not wearing one but its his choice.

  5. i dont know if he's stupid, but he sure is courageous.

    he came back in the game. its not a game for faint hearts

  6. Not stupidity, just shows he isn't gonna let a broken nose affect the way he plays.  Also by wearing one it'd draw more attention.

    He's just a hardcore player.

  7. I KNOWWWW. especially after he got hit by gills shot and he came back on the bench and some girl posted a question about how funny he looked. i think he played possessed yesterday. i was laughing because the idiot didn't wear a visor. i think he wants to catch his dad 14 times broken nose stat.

    why didn't he wear a visor...or a cage...what is wrong with him.

    does cleary wear a visor...if not he needs to. he always gets injured in the face too.

    there's a video clip of cabbie talking to cleary and mccarty and mccarty points out that danny has had some work done on the face.

    i know. 10 more to go to catch pops!!! not that i want it to happen...cause it's painful, but man the dude is awesome.

    also to each their own. i've heard the for and against visor discussion so many times that i'm tired of it. i think everyone should, but i'm not everyone. i'm one person. malone can do w/e he wants...including not creeping on facebook.

    imagine if gonchar and malone hadn't come back last night/this morning...what would the pens do. they already called up a player from wb and conklin came to sit on the bench to make sure they had enough people there. it was really brutal waiting for the suspense yesterday. aside from that i agree about staying safe and uninjured...i think hal gill needs a talking to about shooting at inoppertune times. i think he tried to get the puck to lift because of the red wings wall...but really. there should have been a hooking call on the redwings on that play.

    ryan malone is a super guy

    i mean he's still being funny.

  8. part of it's also that many players grew up without one. it's like when I try and tell people about the benefit of speaking more than their native language : some sign up for a class and their success varies others deny the advantage and that ends up hurting their future in the long run but as the saying goes in english "you can't teach an old dog new tricks"

  9. It's his choice & he is not stupid.

  10. That was his 4th, but he's got a long way to go to catch his dad (14) and Gordie Howe (22)

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