
Is Ryan Sheckler in EA Skate 2?

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Is Ryan Sheckler in EA Skate 2?




  1. There are licensing restrictions. An skateboarder can only appear in one game. Since Ryan Sheckler has been in THUG2 and beyond, he's probably going to stay with Tony Hawk. That's what happened with Bob Burnquist in THPS3

  2. no idts: i dont think so.

    ppl stay the same, i think

  3. i dont think so i think the people stay the same.

  4. Nope Sorry. Ryan Sheckler has been in the Tony Hawk games and Skate & Skate 2 is (no offense) but for the people that weren't recognized in the Tony Hawk games and also all the characters are handpicked by Danny Way since he helped out to develop the game.

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