
Is SANTA Clause real ? ?

by Guest60808  |  earlier

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I am always puzzled!




  1. Although there's not a great deal of historeical evicence, there's some:  Saint Nicholas was the Bishop of Myra, in Asia Minor, in the fourth century.  The legend that led to his being associated with gift-giving is that he once threw bags of gold through a window of a poor family's home, and at least one of the bags landed in a stocking hanging on a bedpost.  (This last detail almost has to be a later additon, since ther's no evidence that people even wore stockings at that time.)  Other legends involving him usually include three of something, since he was evidently a strong defender of the concept to the Trinity, in opposition to the Arian teaching, current at that time, that God was indivisibly one and that Jesus was something less--similar to Unitarian teaching today.  So one last legend involving St. Nicholas is that at the Council of Nicea, where much of Christain doctrine as we know it was formalized, he got into a fistfight with Arius.

  2. I would say yes, but I just cant imagine a fat jolly man fitting down a chimney. I just cant see it.

  3. No

    It's your parents that put the gifts out

    The Santa Claus act is because of Kids imaginations

    and they want it to be a surprise

    thats why they say that if you see Santa, you'll forget you saw him

    It's because they want your presents to be a SURPRISE and for you not to see them until Christmas morning.

    Santa Claus was made up because in England, there used to be a man that woulld dress up and give kids presents or something like that

    but anyway, hes not real

  4. i'd say no but it depends on how u see it really...

    i realized santa's handwriting is the same as my mom's and he has the same wrapping paper too..but its up to u if u think he is or not..

  5. he was until he mistakenly tried to slide down the chimney of a jewish redneck's home.

    timmy recieved brain-matter and buckshot for christmas that year.

    EDIT:what kind of idiot comes down a shotgun toting redneck's chimney uninvited?

  6. As real as the tooth fairy or the Easter bunny..

    O wait,

    forget the Easter bunny.  He came to my house last year so I had hasenpfeffer for dinner.

    Maybe SClause too.  I _do_ have a freezer full of venison.

  7. Yes, but now he won't bring you any presents because you spelled his name wrong, naughty girl.

    It's Santa CLAUS.

  8. Yes

  9. sadly santa was in a tragic sliegh wreck,only rudolph made it out without a scratch,santas little brother will take up the cause and all gifts should arrive on time christmas day......

  10. of course he is.............

  11. Seeing is believing.

  12. lolz no

    some fat dude in a red suit haha

    flys around the world

    wonder what dumb a** came up w/ that....

  13. Yes Virginia there is a Santa Claus . . . source below

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