
Is SOS like Lifepace...just on the computer?

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Or is it different?

Also, do you like SOS?

What are some good and bad things about it?





  1. Not exactly.  They've tweaked the content somewhat for the SOS.  They're good for watching demonstrations, computer models of some concepts, and such.

    Lifepacs are more portable, and you can mark one up and use highlighters.  With SOS you'd have to print it all out to do that.  Working on the computer ALL day for ALL subjects -- well, I just wouldn't like that very much, personally; hard on my eyes.  If the electricity goes out for some reason, or if your computer crashes, or you're traveling, SOS is no good at all!  Lifepacs are also cheaper per subject, I think.  I'm thinking SOS might be good for like Science, especially for the demonstrations or computer-aided-models and animations, but I wouldn't choose it for every subject.

  2. I used both, personally. We used the Lifepacs for about two years, then swapped over to the SOS for about another three years.

    They have the same feel of content, but they are different.

    I liked that we could adjust, at a moment's notice, how much school I was going to do each day by adjusting the calendar on the SOS curriculum, however, there were a few days (and I do mean very few, even with New England weather) that the electricity was out and we could not do school. Honestly, that was no big deal, as usually, the public school kids' had those days' off as well, for the same reason!

    I also enjoyed things such as a viewing of an animated dissection in science class, links to new information on-line and, being able to type faster than write, get my schoolwork done just a little bit faster each day.

    The pros of the Lifepac was that we could take it with us on vacation, that I could hold it in my hands, and also that if the power went out, school was still a go. :)

    I personally love both the computer version and the books. I like the feel of different papers in my hands. I like finding new information, whether by book or by internet. Both series are good, and have their own pros and cons.

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