
Is SYDNEY the capital of NEW ZEALAND?

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Why do the new zealanders talk so funny and can't pronounce words like six, fish,chips,dance and so on




  1. No. Sydney is in Australia.

  2. Easy mistake to make, considering how close NZ is to Australia, and how prominant a city Sydney is. However, Wellington (my home city) is actually the capital. (as I think you do know because your from aussie-if your trying to make a point about the fact that heaps of kiwis live in sydney then you should actually check out nz and see how many aussies live over here)

    As for the accent, I guess its all a matter of opinion. Having travelled extensively, many people love the kiwi accent. If you are to listen to the "pure" kiwi accent, the rural accent, it tends to be a little bit more blunt. However, the accent is constantly evolving, and Id like to think it is now becoming less blunt. If you go down the south island, some people roll their r's, and individual cities have slight differences to the kiwi accent.

    Unfortunatly, many people mock the kiwi rural accent. Eg, make out that fish is said as fush, however I know I dont know many people who actually speak like this!

  3. No, it is in Australia. New Zealanders only talk funny sounding to you, but if you are from there, then they don't sound funny at all, just like in England. Americans sound funny to the English. In fact here in America, we have many different accents and the southerners or New Englanders or even New Yorkers sound funny to Californians.

  4. NO!  WOW, where did you come up that one?  Sydney has nothing to do with New Zealand.  Sydney is in Australia.  Wellington is the capital of New Zealand.

    What are they teaching kids in school these days.

    garrisonbight-Christchurch is not the capital of New Zealand, it IS Wellington.

  5. Garrison, any New zealander would also be happy to tell you to refer to some information on the history of New Zealand and you would very quickly find that Christchurch (yes ONE word) is not and has not ever been the capital of New Zealand! - if you don't know the answer to a stupid question its definetly better to not answer at all.

    As for our pronunciation well in echos of what others have already said we only "talk funny" to people who aren't used to our awesome accent!

    have fun studying your geography in a bit more depth!

    ***** you were just upset by someone asking "is being a kiwi cool" and saying that we have amazing accents, which we do!****** hahahahahahaha

  6. the capital of NZL is Welly, sydz in Aussie, n wot u on about we cant say words properly? if ur not from here couse we sound funny, just like u would if we were  to come there. d**n ur clever.

  7. The capital of New Zealand is Christ Church... Sydney is in AUSTRALIA... as ANY New Zealander would be more than happy to tell you, based on your question.

  8. Sydney is the state capital of New South Wales (NSW) in Australia.

    Canberra is the capital of Australia.

    Wellington is the capital of New Zealand.

  9. No, Sydney is an Australian city,  please check the pictures about Australia in  the Gallery of

    you will find interesting information

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