
Is Salvia Divinorum considered as any type of Salvia plant?

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i got a salvia plant at walmart today, and was wondering if salvia divinorum was just generally all salvia plants. it has purple flowers and the leaves have a pretty bad smell, i ddint realize what it was until after i bought it.




  1. has the most potent salvia I've ever tried! They also have a ton of info on the subject. Check it.

  2. It sounds like Salvia farinacea or Salvia pratensis or another of the ornamental salvias. Salvia divinorum has creamy flowers with a purply base and square stems, it's not that distinctive but with the amount of attention it's received from the media I highly doubt WalMart would sell it. The Salvia genus itself is rather potent, different plants are used as medicines and herbs, sage is a member of this group, but, as far as I know, divinorum is the only hallucinogen.

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