
Is Salzburg a safe city at night?

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excuse my spelling




  1. Probably rather safer than anywhere in the UK or USA.

  2. not sure, ive never been to balsurgz

  3. I've never BEEN to Salzburg, myself, so, I can only IMAGINE, but, - as it IS a European City, rather than anywhere ELSE, in the World, (ie, the MIDDLE EAST), - I would think that it IS quite safe, at night, but, don't be COMPLACENT, - be on your "GUARD" at all times, - just to be absolutely CERTAIN!

    P.S. - your SPELLING? There was absolutely NOTHING, WRONG with it!

  4. yes very

  5. It's very safe in that small picturesque alpine city. I was last there in May 2006, though it can get boisterous late at night on the main streets with drunk tourists making their way back to their hotels and pensions, everybody you meet is very friendly. This city's main economy is the tourist industry, there are many restaurants and pubs, and the inhabitants are very helpful and cheerful.


    Petra M, Vancouver

  6. Salzburg was very nice when I went and visited.  I did not feel unsafe at any time.

  7. you've spelt everything ok, Salzburg is great and a very beautiful place, but like anywhere you go in the world just go careful and keep your wits about you, it's better to go around in a group of people than on your own that goes for anywhere in the world

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