
Is Sam Adams Utopias really worth it?

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I'm thinking about buying a couple bottle when the Boston Brewing Co makes the next batch next year. I was wondering who has tried it, what other brews it compares to, and is it really worth $100+ a bottle.




  1. Think of your absolute favorite beer, now think of how many you could buy with a hundred bucks.

    In fact, think of how many different beers you could buy with a hundred. You could explore German and Belgium beers for weeks.

    Or you could buy a single bottle of Sam Adams. Can it possibly be better?

  2. no

  3. I have a friend that bought two bottles in October last year. He is holding one cellar style and the other he had a tasting. I think it is released every two years.

    If it is good and you have the $ then why not get it.

  4. I don't know if I'd get a couple of is usually enough. Remember it is still a beer...even if it is a borderline liqueur and it should be consumed after opening. I've seen bars keep it opened serving a glass at a time out of it. Beer doesn't work like that. Get your bottle and call a bunch of friends that enjoy a good beer...A GOOD BEER...and have at it.

    Is it worth it? That is up to you to decide. I know I'll be picking up a bottle next time its brewed. As a side note, so far it has been three years in between batches and there is no telling if it will ever be released again.

  5. I shared a bottle of it with friends on my fortieth birthday.  While it was very good, it wasn't worth the price.

  6. No beer is worth that much.

  7. I think you have to be a pretty serious beer drinker to pay that high end price but if it fits into your budget it would be a pretty interesting buy.

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