
Is Sarah Palin, the next Margaret Thatcher and do you think she has everything to become 1st Women President?

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of the USA or still needs improvement in to order be it.




  1. NO and NO

    She doesn't have what it takes to be the Vice President!!!

  2. If she were campaigning to be the president, she would get my vote today.  She definitely has what it takes.  Look at her 86% approval rating in her home state of Alaska.  She has to be doing something right.  h**l, I would settle for a president or Congress with even a 50% approval rating.  That would mean that they were able to satisfy at least half the people in this country.  As it stands now, our President and Congress are not even getting a 20% rating.  How did things get this screwed up???

  3. I think she's got what it takes to be the first!

    Go Sarah!

  4. Yes



    Too bad John McCain is still on the ticket.

  5. Being a fellow Alaskan, I can say don't underestimate Palin!!

    She absolutely rocks and if all they can dig up on her is a pregnant teenager- GO PALIN!!

    It is refreshing to have someone in there who is unmolested by Washington!

  6. No, I don't think she is the next Margret Thatcher. I think she is the next Ronald Reagan with a little Teddy Roosevelt thrown in.

    If she runs for President, I'll vote for her. If she runs for Queen of the World, I'll vote for her.

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