
Is Sarah Palin's baby really her daughter's? ?

by Guest62459  |  earlier

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How irresponsible is it to go on an 8-hour flight while in labor? And the flight attendants were not even told she was in labor. That is dangerous to the life of mother and child! shame on you Sarah!




  1. It definitely sounds shifty.  I will be surprised if the Republican camp even acknowledges this rumor.

  2. totally agree,disgraceful

  3. The story is very suspicious.  She claimed to be 7 months pregnant in March, yet wasn't showing at all.  Coincidentally, her daughter had been absent from school for 4 - 5 at the time.  She claimed to have a prolonged case of mono.

    Either way, she's extremely irresponsible.  She alleges that when her water broke in Texas, she proceeded to give a 30 - minute speech before hopping a plane back to Alaska.  According to her, she did so simply because she wanted her baby to be Alaskan - born.  This would have been extremely dangerous with a healthy baby, but the fact that her baby has Down Syndrome makes it even worse.  Talk about reckless, irresponsible, and downright stupid!  She definitely doesn't have my vote.  

    *ETA*  So what if her baby was a month early?  My son was a month premature, but did I hop on a plane for an 8 - hour flight while I was in labor?  No.  Early or not, she should have stayed put and had the baby in Texas.  

    "She made it to the airport, and gave birth hours after landing in Anchorage to Trig, who is diagnosed with Down Syndrome. 'Maybe they shouldn't have let me fly, but I wasn't showing much so they didn't know,' she says."

    There you go.  She acknowledges that she shouldn't have flown, but she did it anyway.

  4. a. The baby was a month early, so I'm sure she wasn't expecting to go into labor.

    b. it's her fifth child so she knows how her own body works by now.

    c. her daughter's?? *sigh*

  5. agreed  

  6. I feel terrible for the daughter, Bristol, through all of this.

    What if she wasn't actually pregnant and we're all calling her fat? She is only 17 and needs to be protected.  

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