
Is Sarah Palin's fifth child really the child of her 16 year old daughter?

by Guest55632  |  earlier

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The story is ALL over the internet.

If you do a goggle search of Palin and daughter and pregnant, you will get at least 12 pages worth.

I initially thought the stories were insane and that the baby is most likely Sara’s baby, but some of the incidents, such as:

Daughter taking off 5-8 months of school due to a supposedly case of mono at the same time the child was born.

Mono usually cures it self in about a month.

The weird thing about Palin getting on a flight at 9 months of pregnancy.

Airlines won’t allow you to fly if you are 9 months pregnant.

I was overseas when pregnant and had to come home to the US before my 9th month.

Her taking a 8 hour flight back to Alaska while supposedly in labor.

All this is just weird.

Also, look at her daughter in the picture here it looks like a baby bump

This could be just a rumor, but if not, it does matter because it is question of integrity.

Also downs syndrome is common in older women(over 40) as well as very young women(teenagers)




  1. No, it's not true, but Obama's mother was in Kenya when 9 months pg and was forced to stay there and not board a plane.  You're right,  Airlines will stop that.  So Obama was born in Kenya which means he cannot run for president.

    Next issue

  2. It could be her daughters child thats not the problem its the mindset of the woman herself. She wants women to keep the pregnancy if you are raped or your father molested you, do you realize how barbaric that is. Women have fought so hard to get where we are. She finds it amusing to have shot and using a bear rug that she killed herself. She doesnt believe in conservation of wildlife in Alaska and her entertainment is shooting and gutting her own kill. Oh yea I forgot her husband won a ski do race. i pray for those that are foolish enough to vote McCain he just ruined all his chances. As a Canadian i am praying for your people and your country to see the light before its too late.

  3. Saw the picture. Have three nieces that have that same so called baby bump, none of them are pregnant, just normal heathy teenagers.

  4. No. At least now the 9-11 nuts have company.

  5. these are the same people who think 9/11 is done by the government and bush controlled hurricane Katrina dont forget the lie about the levies.  

  6. LOL, NO!!

  7. No.  Do you believe everything you read on the internet?  LOL..

    The odds of having a downs baby increases only with age.  there is no indication that a sixteen or seventeen year old is more likely to have a Downs baby than a 25 year old..

  8. Should we also believe that Obama is g*y and he had s*x in a limousine with Larry Sinclair and smoking crack?You cannot believe everything posted in the internet by partisan people

  9. It does make a very interesting case.

    If it is her daughter's baby, however, it wouldn't surprise me at all if this didn't ruin it for Republicans all around.

  10. Does it make sense that Palin would go through all these shenanigans to cover up her daughter's (alleged) pregnancy, only to then agree to run for VP, knowing the press would go through her background with a fine-tooth comb?

    >>The weird thing about Palin getting on a flight at 9 months of pregnancy.<<

    She was 8 months.

    >>Airlines won’t allow you to fly if you are 9 months pregnant.<<

    "Alaska Airlines is one of the few airlines that does not have a policy regarding flight during pregnancy.

    “'We leave the decision to fly up to our customers and their medical advisers,' according to Alaska Airlines representative Caroline Boren."

    >>Also downs syndrome is common in older women(over 40) as well as very young women(teenagers)<<

    "The risk of Down syndrome increases with the mother’s age. Under age 30, the risk is about 1 in 1500 births. Above age 35, the risk has increased to the degree that amniocentesis is often recommended to detect the syndrome. Still, the risk at age 35-39 is given as only 1 in 200 to 270 births. For all women over age 40, the combined risk is 1 in 60 to 85 births (specific risks are available by age)."

  11. Is it true that Obama is a muslim radical who is friends with Tony Rezcko and Bill Ayers and radical black leaders like  Rev Wright?

    Oh wait this is all true.

  12. I thought it came from old sperm kidding

    however,it is her grandchild

  13. You are disgusting. Integrity?? That would be a family that stands by their child no matter what. You are making all this up because you know Barry is never going to win. Lots of stuff about him and his wifey will come out.

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