
Is Sarah Palin's grandchild going to be Jesus' second coming?

by Guest59242  |  earlier

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If not, then why are the Liberal Democrat's so hyped on Bristol's life, and her baby? I thought her mother, Sarah Palin was running for the VP of John McCain. Am I wrong?




  1. I don't know.

  2. If you have read the scriptures....

    1Now, brothers, about times and dates we do not need to write to you, 2for you know very well that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night. 3While people are saying, "Peace and safety," destruction will come on them suddenly, as labor pains on a pregnant woman, and they will not escape.

    To answer your question, we don't know.

    If the grandchild lives to the age of accountability, then he/she will be able to accept or reject Christ.  

    So far, we don't know.

  3. We're waiting for the three wise man to show up, pick out your own favorite media personality.  

    One got Chris Mathews and the cast of MS NBC but who else would be considered the wise men?

  4. No, you're right.

    We're so hyped because Bristol is a w***e bag, even after all the proper values and morals her mom tried to instill in her  

  5. If it is a virgin birth, you can bet your a$$.

    If you think he is not divine

    You'll get no free drinks when he is making the wine,.

  6. no ! obama mama already fkd that up ! rev wright will fix it !

  7. Why are you people hating on Palin.

    So HER DAUGHTER had s*x before an adult or even before marriage.  She is getting married to the man of her child and did the right thing of having the child.  She could of gotten an abortion and none would of known.  She decided to stick it out and live with her choice/chance at having intercourse.

    Everyone should be held accountable for consenting to s*x.  I don't see how you liberals won't give a little child a chance but want to give murder's are rapist a 2nd and/or 3rd chance.  

  8. Your question offends many, doesn't make good sense at all and surely reflects the shallow spirituality of you religious right-influenced people.

    Who's laughing at a question like that?  bin Laden? is that what you call "stirring up the base?"

  9. People are nuts & the media will grab anything to fill air space & newspapers.

    The Palins seem to have human problems like most of us & so I think she will approach problems like the average American Mom.

    Maybe that is what this country needs!

  10. Obama's already here. Walking on the earth with us.

  11. No, Obama is according to his supporters! LOL

    Liberals are afraid of Palin because she's capable, intelligent, well spoken, and holy c**p: she's a woman and she's pretty WOW(sic)

    Women, in the Democratic party, who think they represent all women in this country, fear her pro life, mommy status, and OMG she works!

    they are idiots: Nancy Pelosi? Maureen Dowd? what's her name on MSNBC?

    they are simply out of touch with normal females it's quite sad, LOL!

  12. Well the "Liberal Democrat's" Are not all "hyped" about Bristol in fact a majority of democrats believe it is a private family matter and should stay that way Barack Obama said and here is Exactly what he said

    I've heard some of the news on this, so let me be as clear as possible. I have said before and I will repeat again: I think people's families are off-limits. And people's children are especially off-limits.

    This shouldn't be part of our politics. It has no relevance to Governor Palin's performance as a governor, or her potential performance as a vice president. So, I would strongly urge people to back off these kinds of stories.

    You know, my mother had me when she was 18. And how families deals with issues, and teenage children, that shouldn't be part of our politics. And I hope that anybody supporting me understands that's off-limits.

    [Asked about allegations that the Obama campaign is pushing rumors....]

    I am offended by that statement. There is no evidence at all that any of this involved us. I hope I am as clear as I can be. In case I'm not, let me repeat: We don't go after people's families. We don't get them involved in politics. It's not appropriate, and it's not relevant.

    Our people were not involved in any way in this, and they will not be. And if I ever thought that there was somebody in my campaign that was involved in something like that, they'd be fired."



  13. McCain is so old,  He is much closer to death then he is to his birth.  So we need to be question Palin.    Then again maybe we shouldn't.  After all when she was mayor she had 48 employees to look after.    She should be ready on day one to take over our country.     Care for a moose burger?

  14. Listen up.  If the repugs had not been shouting FAMILY VALUES for the past 20 years no one would give a ****!  We are merely pointing out the fact that you are ALL HYPOCRITES!!!  You say one thing then do another and if that had been Chelsea Clinton at 17...WWIII would have broken out.  Now all of a sudden you have compassion, "oh, it was a mistake, all teenagers make mistakes..."  blah, blah, blah.  Listen to what you say BEFORE you try to impose your "values" onto someone else.  You never know what situation you are going to be in later!

  15. They have noting better on Sarah Palin other tha a Pregnant Daughter and a 22 years old DUI charge on her husband.

    And OHMIGAWD! If that's the best they have then Democrats are in big trouble. They will be beatedn by those stupid Republicans AGAIN!

  16. You are wrong in thinking Dems are "hyped" about Palin's daughter's pregnancy. Palin was the one who broke the story, and Obama has said that he will not comment on opponent's families. How is that "hyped"?

    What I do think is hilarious, though, is that Republicans are already making excuses for her mistake. ie "Well at least she didn't get an abortion...and...uh...she's getting married even though she's 17 and can't even vote yet...but...errrr" hahaha It's actually the Republicans that are making the big deal out of it, if you actually look closely.  

  17. No one cares about either one!

  18. Why it doesn't scare more people that citizens of the most powerful nation on Earth are choosing their candidates based on the Book of Revelations, I don't know.

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