
Is Sarah Palin's son actually the product incest between daughter and son?

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Just a little curious if this political circus can get even weirder, could it be possible that Trig is actually the son of Bristol and the father is her brother? With the unusal facts surrounding Sarah's activities prior to childbirth, Bristol being pulled out of school for months prior to birth, sons signing up for service at would be the first month of pregnancy for "unspecified" reasons, then Bristol claiming to be 5 months pregnant just 4 months after mother gives birth so it would be impossible for her to have actually been the mother. With all these questions, suspicious photos and the facts (or stories) being oddly timed there's something that doesn't add up. Could this be the big bomb shell that's promoting these strings of lies? Or is it all a long string of coincidences?




  1. typical republicans mabey you are right who really knows for sure ??

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