
Is Sarah Palin A Phony?

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She looks like someone who never lunches with people below her pay grade.




  1. define your terms and i'll be glad to answer your little loaded question.

    as for you caribou barfy ,how did you get to be such an overnight authority,are you actually an barry o. staffer or just a spiteful jealous woman hater?

  2. No, that's Barack Obama.

  3. It's just that Palin threatens the democrat intolerant world view that a woman has to be a liberal militant feminist to be successful.

    Sept. 5 Rasmussen poll - 58% of all voters rate her positively. 52% of all women rate her positively. She has a higher positive rating than both Obama and McCain (they are each 57%)

  4. yes she is

  5. No, she really is shallow and inbred.

  6. Right.

    You can judge people by the way they look.

  7. No, why don't you get to know her as best you can without ever meeting her before judging her.  At least I gave Obama a fair shake and I still don't begrudge him, just don't agree with him in politics.  

  8. you mean some one like you?

  9. no. she is a Politician

  10. She looks like an off the rack kind of a girl to me

  11. she's a nut and a liar. i think she is also an elitist. she gives her daughter Bristol to make the choice what to do with her pregnancy but yet wants to remove that choice from others.

  12. Yep. She's a dog with lipstick alright

  13. Nope.

    The American people are taking a liking to her because she's genuine.

    Eats you up, doesn't it?

  14. No, All these people are below Obama's pay grade not Salin's... I know you guys fear her.

  15. I say her actions more than looks have made her a phony.

    Just another Spiro T. Agnew.

  16. The biggest blunder a Republican can make is to admit Palin to the club.

    Vote for McCain, still.

  17. I just had lunch with her....oh but your right, I actually work instead of waiting around for government hand outs!  Yep were both honorable, and in the same pay grade!

  18. You bet! When did she ever think of anyone but herself? When she conceived a baby right after taking on the job of Govenor? When she accepted the VP nod knowing it would drag Bristol through the mud? When she hauled her whole family to the convention to parade them around to her own advantage?

  19. Sarah is a great example of what a woman can become. Regardless of your party isn't it time there was a woman in power. My family and I were Hillary supporters, but converted to McCain before Sarah was even announced. Her nomination has reinforced our position that McCain-Palin is the REAL ticket for change. McCain is pretty much an independent and I think it's time we saw someone in office that is above party politics. Obama is a great speaker, but actions speak louder than words. Actually take a step back and look at both candidates. Don't vote for anyone unless you understand what they stand for. Most of Obama's supporters just jumped on the "celebrity" bandwagon. Obama tore Hillary apart, don't let him push Sarah out of the way too. Vote McCain-Palin 08!!!

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