
Is Sarah Palin Pro life and proud?

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When she supports the death penalty?

And a pregnancy even of rape should be still illegal to abort.

And g**s shouldnt have rights?

And she calls herself pro life!

What do you think?




  1. Yep, she's pro-life.

    Pro-life has to do with protecting life before it even has a chance to exist outside of the womb. Supporting the death penalty is saying that a scumbag who raped, tortured, and killed a thirteen year old girl has forfeited their right to be among the living.

    Homosexuals -- please name one right that they don't have that heterosexuals have. And please focus on "rights"

  2. Your question is poor logic!  As to the death penalty, the relationship between the state and a convicted criminal is not the same as that between a mother and an innocent unborn child.  As to abortion and rape, how does the status of the father determine the status of the unborn?  And what is the relationship between homosexuality and life/death issues?

  3. Sarah Palin is about as important to me as Laura Bush.

    I don't care about either of them.

  4. Yes and yes. And why should you have anymore rights than others because of your sexual actions? g**s can wait in line behind women. When we get treated equally,then you can. There will be no Constitutional Amendment for homosexuality

  5. Palin's an idiot who supports whatever and whoever can help her out the most at that exact time. She's a follower who shouldn't be allowed to be in a leader position.

    My mom tried to abort me and wasn't allowed to. I live everyday knowing I might not be here if circumstances were different. Yet I'm still pro-choice.

  6. Yes and she is proud of it! I am pro life and proud of it.

    And you are like your pal Obama...cut up babies, suck em out, if that doesnt work just throw them in the sink and let em die.


  7. You're not Pro death penalty.? Curious. If someone raped or murdered someone in my family, I'd wanna pull he switch.

    Hmmm...innocent & still killed? Seems you have little faith in the US justice system.

    Rape, incest...gotta agree with you there.

    g**s? Agree with Palin, but if you check her record as AK gov, you'll find altho' she's against g*y marriage, she's ok with g*y cibvil unions AND when the AK legislature wanted to stop benefits to same-s*x partners for state workers, she vetoed it. Seems she has a realist side to her as well.

  8. smh, palin is a idiot. abortion should be a WOMAN'S choice PERIOD! lets speak on this,  some men really have problems with abortion. they feed females lies, "oh baby, ima b there for u" bla bla...& they leave. i think if a woman is unable 2 mentally, emotionally, finacianlly (sp?) take care of a child, i think its her choice whether she wants to keep it or not, cause a man 's support is not always there. & as far as rape YES! they have a right to let go of this baby, even if adoption is the option, who wants 2 be reminded everyday for 9months of a painful ordeal? death penalty should not be the answer. how are you pro-life when u want to kill a human being? dna testing free alot of men who are in prison on death row each year. . & for those serial killers out there DEATH is too good for them, they should LIVE & b tortued(sp?) by their thoughts of what done to their victims. .  &WHAT PEOPLE DO IN THEIR BED, & IN THEIR LIFE IS NO ONES BUSINESS, NOT PALIN, NOT OBAMA, NOT BIDEN, NOT MCCAIN, NOT YOURS, NOT MINE OR YOUR MOMS. g*y people should have rights! we have human rights & g*y people are why can't they get married, why can`t they live like they want to live.. ?

    sheesh my spelling this morning is horrible.

  9. who besides Palin and other religious fanatics would think its wrong to give the morning after pill to a rape victim and when Democrats choose not to have a child for whatever reason its abortion and evil,when Republicans do it its a D&C. Palin believes only she and those like her are entitled to rights. I always wonder how many of those put to death were really innocent but she is of the "kill them all and let God sort them out" mentality. And her environmental position would put us back to the dark ages of dumping toxic sludge legally in our waters, indiscriminate use of pesticides and the mass slaughter of animals for the fun of killing them.

  10. I like "middlefinger's" answer :-)

  11. sarah palin is plain ignorant. a stooge

  12. Yes she is Pro Life and Proud, and so am I.

    Pro Life means protecting the lives of unborn children.  "Choice" isn't a choice, it's a child.

    In terms of the death penalty, how can the pro choice crowd defend killing innocent children and defend guilty murders????

    If the "Pro Choice" crowd were intellectually honest, they would just call their movement what it is......."Pro Death"

    You are fortunate that your Mother didn't excercize her "choice" and abort you to make her life less stressful.

    From: The Father of three beautiful daughters.

  13. While you believe cutting up a viable baby and sucking their parts out from the womb is OK ?

  14. She is a fundamental christian nut, who believes in creationism and other anti-science, counter-rational concepts. It is very worrying to think she could end up president.

  15. I would hardly compare the definition of pro-life to murders and child molesters and innocent babies........................  

    come on.....

  16. She said"he daughter made the choice to keep the child".Answer your question?

  17. Abortion is being used as a form of birth control nowadays, people are not taking the necessary precautions and the number of terminations rises constantly.  This is a very sad state of affairs.

    Rape victims should be able to do whatever they wish in these circumstances, they may not even be abel to form a bond with the child after what they have been through and how would that make the baby feel?  Probably like it had never been born......

    No one side has all the answers, you just have to pick the one with whom you disagree least.

    To be against g*y marriages is not to be anti-g*y, bit of an over dramatisation on your part there.

    I support the death penalty, if someone is caught in the act or forensics prove they were guilty, 100%, no chance of being mistaken, then and 'eye for an eye'.

  18. You know, we really do not consciously remember much from our childhood, so it should be ok to kill (oops, sorry, abort) your baby for a year or two after they're born.  Applying your logic.  

    I do not have sympathy for criminals, so I support the death penalty.

  19. You can't put apples and oranges together and get a good mix. The death penalty is used for Bad crimes. If you kill violently, then your life should be forfit.If you do some crimes that are intolerable, you don't deserve to live among us. If you are a baby yet unborn, you didn't ask to be there.To kill that fetus is to murder a human being. I would agree that in some cases, it is wrong to accept the type of pregnancy brought on by incest, and where the life of the mother is at risk. It is the inconvenience abortions that I hate to see. Our young and not so young want to "Make love" at will, but don't want to pay for the after effects.Her daughter had a choice. The mother didn't make her decision, and I believe the daughter is engaged to the father, so what is the problem, she just rushed the honey moon, like so many others.As for marriage, I grew up knowing there were freaks in the closet that tried to get your little brother or sister undressed for fun. We used to beat the c**p out of them.Now they march in parades and want to act like normal people. They are not , and can never be normal, and now you want them to be married?That is a contradiction.

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