
Is Sarah Palin a closet Muslim Terrortist?

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First she joins a party promoting Alaska's Secession from the US, then on Sunday she was offered a Ham sandwich and turned it down. Do you need more proof?




  1. No, she has been sent by God to help out the GOP.  God's only Party.

    According to them that is.

  2. Just keep it up, you're Michael Moore'ing your party. Thank you!

  3. we have this one in the bag

  4. she loves muzzie cocknballs

  5. The Alaskan Independence Party does not promote the secession of the US.  I love how you failed to mention the name of the party- though I understand the fact you are trying to be funny.  The AIP is a third-party that promotes states' rights, which are guaranteed by the United States Constitution, as is the right to assemble (join a group, or according to Roe v Wade, have an abortion), so anyone can join.  AIP is a political party that supports the Alaskan and Federal Constitution, to help guarantee the rights of the individuals.  

    If you would like to see the AIP platform, instead of listening to just what the media tells you, inform yourself at: .

    And, I would refuse a ham sandwich too, if someone handed it to me.  There's just something about animal flesh that has been overly salted and raised by a large agribusiness that's disgusting.

  6. Obama's DNC bounce smaller than others and shrinking

    Barack Obama’s post-Democratic National Convention bounce in the polls appears to be slightly smaller than the norm of past conventions, and it's gradually depreciating

  7. No, just a really bad parent.

  8. I doubt it...but that's pretty funny

  9. All I am saying is, if I had a kid with Downs Syndrome, then my kid would be the entire focus of my life, not politics.

  10. she would have chowed down on a nice Moose on Rye Sandwich,

    and the way her and Stevens deal with the Oil Companies, yes they will be able to buy themselves out of the United States Government and start their own Nation~!

    problem is they aregoing to need a Bridge, hmmmm.......!

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