
Is Sarah Palin a good choice for VP?

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Theres always that chance the vp could be running the country..




  1. I think so...because it just sealed McCain's fate. Obama's got this race! Peace.

  2. Look at her values, and what she has accomplished in her Carrier. After she was Mayor she was appointed ethics commissioner and chairman of Alaska oil and gas Conservation Commission. After finding corruption there she re-constructed the Industry.When oil started going up at a very fast pase Palin sent large shares of that revenue directly back to the people of Alaska.

    I know there is not alot of media out there reporting positive things about her, but research away from bloggers, and main stream media and you will find what you are looking for.

  3. a good choice to get Obama elected....YEAH

  4. no McCain and Palin are a weak ticket the fact of the matter is that the Republicans or as I like to call them the Bushicans wanted to put Jeb Bush the Florida governor on the ticket for President but since he has the Bush name ....and that would almost get no vote today... they will just let the Dems have this one and try and get the presidency back in 4 years, remember my words Jeb Bush in 2012 will be running for president and most likely will win with Bush scare tactics which they learned from Reagon :)

  5. Speaking as a democrat I would say she was a amazing choice. Way to go McCain.

  6. thaz why obama is gong to win. palin=joke

  7. yes only in america can a former hockey-mom/beauty queen/small town mayor turned governor rise to the ranks so quickly. sort of how an empty suit/american hating/racist/convenient christian named obama can as well.  

  8. if you meet someone once  or  twice,Heck yeah give them the keys to your House.  

  9. In a few years she might have been. Now we will likely never know.

  10. I LOVE this choice.

    She is EVERYTHING the Dems wish they had in their party.

    1.  Woman

    2. Strong.

    3 Has executive experience

    4. Has done more to "change" politics as usual that Obama and Biden combined.

    5. Is genuine.

    6. Has actual deeds to back up her claims.

    Stick a fork in Obama / Biden because this choice has finishded them

    The republican VP choice is more qualifed to be President than Obama, and offers more potential for "CHANGE" in Washington that 2 DC lawyers could ever ":HOPE" to provide.

  11. Great choice.  She is the first person in my memory that doesn't have to reach out to anyone.  She is one of us........

    Unless you are an inside the beltway snob.......

  12. ahahah yeah for Obama. It looks like McCain has shot himself in the foot with that choice.  

  13. No, I'll vote for BOB BARR, thanks.

  14. I think she is.

  15. Yes she is. Now McCain will lose for sure and we can quit worrying.

    Remember when Limbaugh was saying that the Republicans should throw the election, and spend the next for years cleaning the neocons out of their party?

    Limbaugh also suggested Palin.

    I'm beginning to really believe that Limbaugh call the shots for the Republican party.

    Maybe he IS more than a loud-mouthed cheese pile.

  16. this has been asked 400 times today.

    the answer = there were better options, but i'll take it.

  17. isn't it great??

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