
Is Sarah Palin a member of the Westboro Baptist Church?

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She seems to share their Ultra-Conservative views...




  1. I think she is, SHE IS CRAZY, she hunts, eats mooseburgers, wants to drill in Alaska (where she's from) and is anti everything liberal, she's def a member! haha

  2. No. Thats a stretch and you know it. She is a Pentacostal not Baptist.

    She doesn't stand outside funerals claiming the soldier deserved to die for serving a country that supports the homosexual lifestyle..

    Her is son is going to Iraq soon.  Think she will put up with Fred Phelps doing that at her son's funeral if he were killed.

  3. Palin has contacts to the KKK.

  4. while I'm no Palin supporter, she did veto a bill that denied equal rights to g*y couples... the "church" would not approve.

  5. She isn't.  Neither is she a member of Rev. Wright's congregation and we all know who shares their views.  

    NOTE:  Go ahead you simple minded fools.  Give a thumbs down to the truth and admit your confusion.  -- or report me for calling you "fools" because that's exactly what you are.  I really don't care.

  6. Yes she renounces her membership in the Pentecostal church to go to Kansas to attend meetings at a church whose only members are family members of a family she is not a member of and who revels in the deaths of soldiers which her oldest son is

    And the Dem desperation ensues

  7. she was baptized as catholics but atten a non denominational church.

  8. No. And she didn't attend Rev Wright's church for 20 years either.

  9. I sincerely hope that you are not opening your mouth and putting your foot in it !!!   Do a bit of research, my friend.

  10. I don't they eat moose too?

  11. No, but she is a kindred spirit - right wing nut case who thinks God speaks to her and her alone.  Very dangerous.


  12. No, she is not.

    BTW, you might want to do some research into Barack Obama's church. "God d--- America" is their most famous prayer.  

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