
Is Sarah Palin a replacement for Hillary Supporters like myself?

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It hasn't been a full 48 hours and I am already excited about Sarah Palin. This is odd, seeming I'm a registered Democrat in Nevada, and I have written before on this ASK Yahoo page about my worries and concerns about Obama. I really am and will always be a Hillary supporter. But since Obama picked Biden as his V.P. choice. My interest in the up coming election has fallen. Then like other Hillary supporters who are not comfortable with Obama, we have to hear this ridiculous talk about crossing party lines. There are no party lines when it comes to good leadership. And this is exactly what I see in Mrs. Palin. She's a natural leader. It's unfair to compare her experience to that of Obama's, because he's running for the Big Chair. And I remember Bush and Perot both saying the same of Bill Clinton, concerning his experience, and things turned out fine. Nevertheless, are there other people out there that think Mrs. Palin is going to satisfy the desire of a female in the White House, as in a replacement for Hillary? According to the Associated Press, Mrs. Palin is the perfect choice, she's an environmentalist, her husband is a blue collar worker (in a union), she support off shore drilling, etc. The only thing I disagree with her about, is her non support for same s*x marriages (I'm sorry; I still think and believe everybody has the right to pursue happiness.). How many other democrats are considering crossing the line, to vote for a GOOD leader and not an ok leader who is pushed down our throats?




  1. If what you say is the case, then you are voting solely on style and not on substance.

  2. She may have the ability to be a strong leader.  But she is the polar opposite to Hillary.  Palin is ultra-conservative.  That means, among other things, she believes the Supreme Court is too liberal, she opposes abortion in all forms, opposes g*y marriage, and is anti-environment.  She is pro-big oil.  She opposes protecting polar bears because the habitat that needs to be protected would interfere with the oil pipeline.  That is not the stand of someone trying to protect the environment.  I won't argue she's a bad choice.  Politically, she's a great choice.  She's a young white woman and many will follow her because of it.  But if you take that out of the equation and look at just the policies, they're more conservative than Bush himself.  

  3. No, Hillary was booted by Obama and the dems. Ms. Palin is the female candidate. No replacement, the only actual candidate. Hillary should be so proud to see this happen.

  4. CLEARLY YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT.  Hm...Sarah Palin  (aka Sarah STALIN) is an environmentalist?  She supports a program for Alaskans to get cash in exchange for wolf carcasses, she sued the US Federal Wildlife Reserve to get the polar bear off the endangered species list (they wanna shoot em, d**n it!), and she could give a flying #&%* about the environment.  Her husband a blue collar worker?  Well seeing as how he works for BP (formerly British Pretoleum) and she has the power to help induce off-shore drilling in Alaska (act of a true environmentalist) -I'm betcha he's real "blue-collar".  She is in with the oil rig big boys and willing to sacrifice the beauty of the state she represents to put ALOT of cash in her pocket.  It's not like the residents in the state of Alaska are going to dramatically become millionaires if off-shore drilling gets the green. Oh yeah, except for Palin.  

                  The woman has NO solutions (or daresay opinions on) to any foreign affairs the US may be dealing in.  She's a freakin' beauty queen-almost as bad as a male cheerleader...oh wait....

                  So you're a woman?  Let's say (God forbid) you're raped and impregnated.  Wanna have Stalin, er Palin, as your VP?  Can't get an abortion.  You're stuck with a kid.  After you're body is taken control of by a random stranger, another stranger is taking as much (if not more)control away from you to determine the rest of your life.  So a 13-year old is knocked up by her sick father?  Sorry toots, that's the way the cookie crumbles.  But don't worry, you'll get a chance to kill the kid.  Just as soon as it's out of your body BAM BAM BAM! Pick up the AK-47 you got lying next to your bed.  Or TV.  Or posted above the front door.  Palin loves guns.  Almost as much as killing animals, teaching evolution in schools, Iraqis, unions between homosexual couples and the spirits of any intelligent Americans left in the country.

               And please, PLEASE, tell me what qualifies a person to be a good leader?  I see you listed her politcal positions but did not name a single attribute that is required of a "good leader".  I am sorry to get so heated, but it is wise to THOROUGHLY research a candidate and their background before singing their praises.  As a female democrat, I am thrilled to see a woman running for VP.  But THIS WOMAN?!!!! I would be horrified to see the first woman coming this close to the presidential office to be anything REMOTELY like Sarah Palin.  thanks


  5. I totally agree with you. I am a long time Democrat. I supported Hillary, and I am as excited about this choice as many are about Obama's nomination for President. I still have a letter from Gloria Steinham in my office from the 1970's when I marched for women's rights. Women have a dream too just as African Americans do to see their own in the White House. This dream seemed to be slipping away when Obama passed over Hillary Clinton. I was heartbroken with Obama's choice for VP, even though I like Joe Biden, but now our dream is back.

    Now people will ask me how can I jump from being a supporter of Hillary Clinton to a supporter for John McCain? It's because the values I share are shared both by Hillary Clinton and John McCain. I'm not so sure about Obama. For example, I am strong on the environment. My step-father wrote for the Sierra Club. We were always Democrats. George Bush wasn't for the environment, but John McCain is. I was strong on fighting terrorism and fighting for Israel. Democrats were typically strong on Israel in the past. My Polish Catholic great-aunt was in a n**i labor camp. Her brother died in it. My step-father fought the n**i's in the Navy during World War II. My Eastern European relatives worked with Herzl in the 1800's to fight anti-semitism. My step-father marched during the civil rights era against discrimation of all types and knew Dr. ML King. When Obama said that no one suffered more than the Palestinians, flip flopped on whether Jerusalem should be divided, and went to a church for 20 years that praised Louis Farrakhan, I started to worry about how strong Barack's support for Israel really was. The Republicans have put an undivided Jerusalem plank in their platform so I can now strongly support them on this issue as well. I am also a hockey Mom, like Sarah Palin, and a security Mom. I have no doubt John McCain will do everything he can to protect our country. I do have concerns though about Barack when he says he'll talk to Iran and Syria with no preconditions.

    Democrats will say that they are strong on women's and family issues, but are they really? We all know Democrats are pro-choice, but what about other issues? Democrats have typically fought for the rights of porno directors to publish their porno under the right to free speech. Does that advance women's rights? Barack voted present in Illinois on not putting strip clubs near schools. That's like voting no. Is that supporting women's and children's rights? Barack listens to and supports rap music that is very sexist and violent.  Does that support women's rights? McCain listens to ABBA, my favorite group!!! And now he has advanced the cause of women and families everywhere by putting a woman on his ticket when Obama brushed a woman off.

    So all in all, yes I can, enthusiastically support the McCain/Palin ticket. I don't agree with everything John McCain or Sarah Palin support, but I never agreed with everything the Democrats supported anyway because I did support the Bush tax cuts. As a small business woman, I was getting crushed by the heavy taxes in the Clinton administration, even though I voted for Clinton. Small businesses still carry a very heavy tax burden in comparison to large corporations who make billions. I can't pay more in taxes under Obama. Lower taxes was always the one Republican Party issue, I did agree with.

    So bravo to John McCain for making the bold move that Barack Obama did not make.Yes African Americans waited a long time for a minority President, but women have waited a long time too. It's too bad the Democrats did not find a way to support both dreams.

  6. Who writes this stuff for you?  McCain in making a fool out of himself and the American people.  But then, you already know that.  Obama 2008!

  7. Im still trying to figure out how Hillary lost. I mean dont people remember the economy when the Clintons were in office?

    What the h**l has Barack done to deserve anyone's vote? He's a Chicago thug...Just ask Tony Rezko.

  8. Check out the Hillary Clinton forums.They are Lining up behind McCain and Palin in droves and even donating money. They all seem to share your same concerns as well and refuse to vote for Obama.

  9. I'm a Hillary Supporter too...but I supported Hillary because she is smart and had so many ideas....ideas that Obama has now adopted.  Even to the issue of raising taxes.  Obama was 75k until Hillary TOLD him in the last debate 250K.

    So, Palin just does not equate to Hillary.  I cannot vote for McCain because that will be more failed Republican policies.  They want to drill, drill, drill, that is NOT the answer.  I watched the DNC Convention...the Governor of MI, Jennifer Granholm (who would make a great Pres...but she is Canadian born) was talking about retooling the plant in MI and manufacturing electric cars.  

    Kennedy and Kerry went out for Obama during the Primaries...the voters were not doing what they wanted.  I think had MI and FL been allowed to vote...Hillary would be the nominee!  Dean and Brazile of the DNC are to blame....we need to get these people OUT!  They knew about the fraud in the caucuses (see links below) and they orchestrated the MI and FL fraud.  

    The only way we would survive with McCain would be if the House and Senate had the needed 60 percent majority to overturn the veto of the President....the Dems do not have that now.  That is why they cannot push through the legislation.

    The Republicans are corporate welfare...more tax dollars to the oil companies...and more war.  McCain and his bomb Iran dance.

    No I really don't like Obama....Hillary was FAR superior a candidate, but I will vote for Biden...

  10. Some hillary supporters are just so d**n uninformed. First some dumb democrat says that McCain is pro-choice LOL! Now you are saying that Palin is an enviornmentalist? I hope you know that she anti-global warming and she said that she isn't convinced it's an issue at all. She says it's an imagination.

    Look here fool.

    She also is a champion for big oil.

  11. Palin under ethics investigations in Alaska

    Firing of safety commissioner allegedly linked to divorce of governor’s sister

    She's a sweetheart. Nothing like good leadership or dumb voters who jump on the bandwagon because she's a women. Did you really spend time an check to see where she is coming from? Bet you didn't!

  12. Excellent share!  Despite the c**p comments from people here.  I think it was a great pick for McCain over Romney and Giuliani.  McCain already had 1 in 5 Hillary supporters, not to mention the ones that said they weren't even going to vote.  I think that number will increase.  Obama has to win either Ohio or Florida to win the election, as far as blue and red states go, both of which he is far behind in and his policies do not adapt....(especially the 28% real estate tax  that Florida entrepreneurs young and old will not go for)

    Hey...the economy was good during clinton because of the bubble..don't forget....which was going to bust no matter who was president.  Also, the Euro was around since 99 but really didn't kick our *** till 2002.  Factors that have nothing to do with the Clintons.  Or Obama. Or McCain.  Just timing

  13. I think Sarah is the antithesis of Hillary and to pretend one set of ovaries is interchangeable with another is screwy logic.

    Seems there is an investigation of a very serious abuse of power by Sarah and this may be the reason she will not even be around in November.

  14. Looks like the ploy is working.

  15. I think not you obviously didn't know or understand what Hilary is for.

    "A mind is a terrible thing to waste"

  16. Good luck with that... I can't imagine any genuine Clinton supporters will vote for a staunch Conservative and rabid anti choice candidate.

    Palin is against legal abortion full stop, even in cases of incest or rape.  Clinton supporters are pro choice AND liberals.

  17. You must have been backing Hillary strictly because she has a slit. Issue for issue Palin is the Anti-Hillary.

  18.   Sarah Palin is considered an ultra-conservative. Anyone who supported Hillary and considers Palin a replacement is s******g up the democratic process royally. Might as well vote Kermit and Miss Piggy.

  19. Obama failed in his first decision if he were to be president.  His decision not to pick Hillary will cost him the election.  Let's all remember that more people voted for Hillary over Obama.  It was the reckless Democrat hierarchy that abandoned Hillary and GAMBLED on Obama with their superdelegate vote.  Obama's ego will cost him the election.  We all know Hillary would have picked Obama.  WOW, I never thought the democrats could turn a g*y moderate democrat into a republican!!!!  When will these suicidal democrats ever learn?  You have to try this hard to loose.  Our presidential elections are so close these days.  Why did they choose Obama, who lost in virtually all the swing states?  Obama alienated us Hillary voters by not even considering her for the VP.  Biden???  sound like old washington to me Obama.  I don't trust you,  I TRUST McCain though, and I'm not happy about it.

  20. She is the Replublican version of Hillary Clinton.

    She will get 90% of the Women vote just like Obama will get 90% of the Black vote.

    White males may be the deciding vote since they will probably split their vote in unknown ways.

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