
Is Sarah Palin a very strange person?

by Guest63484  |  earlier

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Or is this just Alaskan culture? It really is a tiny community up there, and you always hear the most bizarre drama stories coming out of that state. And when people try and describe Alaska they always rolls their eyes as if it's impossible to explain. Palin's history, both on the job and at home just gets crazier and crazier the more we hear. From having people fired for personal vendettas, to giving a speech in Texas after her water broke (the only time she had ever left state lines!) and then flying/driving 14 hours back to Alaska (the whole time in labor) to a tiny hospital in the middle of nowhere to have the child. And her cheif of staff & her entire office having had no idea she was even pregnant! idk, maybe that's just the way things go in Alaska.




  1. I think  your a very strange person.    Why do you have to ask if someone is strange?  Are you unable to determine that for yourself?

  2. Yes.  I'm not familiar enough with Alaska to comment on other people who live there but she is a little strange.  

  3. Sarah looks like she is 'mixed' herself.

  4. You need to drop your subscription to those tabloid magazines! Why is your focus drawn so much to Governor Palin's childbirth experience, reflecting her ability to govern? OMG!!!

  5. can you spell unsubstantiated rumor ?  

  6. Think all people who for go Science and try and live by fairy tails are strange people.

  7. Have you heard the rest of the story about the trooper?  The guy was drunk on the job.   This is actually an example of why she's great!  She's willing to trim the fat and buck the good ol boy system.  Both parties need this.  In 2006 I was glad that those GOP posers got kicked out.  I get sick of people saying that they are republicans and then trying to just be politicians.  Corruption on both sides is going to have to watch out.  

    Otherwise, she's very down to earth.

  8. She would indeed seem strange to someone who didn't know about the American frontier way of life. The husband works as a steel worker on the frozen tundra, she hunts her food and kills it, and turns it into stew

  9. Palin was a big fish in a small pond...she will be a small fish in the big pond of Washington.

    McCain calls her fresh and uncorrupted.

    There is no one easier to corrupt than someone who is naive.

  10. >>then flying/driving 14 hours back to Alaska (the whole time in labor)<<

    According to her doctor, it was "not active labor," and the doctor has also said, "I don't think it was unreasonable for her to continue to travel back."

  11. If she did indeed act this way when she was in labor, then she was endangering the life and health of her baby.

    I think she is either very irresponsible or else there is still more to this story than we know.

    Here is a video you might enjoy -- (if you can stand to listen to her voice).

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