
Is Sarah Palin capable of being a good mother and VP?

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McCain's pick is backfiring in so many ways with women. The majority are questioning if Mrs. Palin has her priorities backwards. She has five children including a Down Syndrome child. How will she care for her younger children while holding the position of VP?

Sarah knew before she had this child that it would be born with challenges. Now it seems those challenges will take a backseat to her career.

Instead of women admiring her as McCain had hoped, they are questioning his judgment and her judgment as well. Is Sarah putting her potential position over the well-being of her children?

It sure looks like it.

Yesterday a women in her late 40's asked:

How can she run the country and care for her children at the same time especially when she has a special needs child?

Perhaps Sarah will hire nannies...Who knows




  1. the whole working force woman of america have day care and you ask this, she will have the finest of care taken of her children and they will experience the greatest honor any American can be privileged to have

  2. She is not a signal mother is she?  I didn't think so her husband will back her up and help her just like he should.  Women can have a family and a career also period.  My oldest sister is Downs and yes it was tough for my parents but they did it together just like they did with the rest of us.

  3. Another moronic question by "countess"

    Honey you DO NOT speak for women. I don't know what century you think that this is, but those blue collar women that everyone is fighting over...we HAVE to work to make ends meet. We WANT to work to make a better life for ourselves and our families. And we CHOOSE to work because our lives are about more than being breeders.

    So before you get all high and mighty about what "all" women think I pose this "family values" question to you...

    How come the majority of the blue collar, two income families, where Mom and Dad both work outside the home, manage to raise their kids without the same level of teen pregnancy, drug addiction, and social behavior than welfare families, who are by definition...staying at home and not working? It seems to me that welfare families should have the lowest rate of crime, teen pregnancy, drug addiction, etc etc because Mommy and Daddy are staying at home?

  4. You raise excellent points.

    She will not be able to spend as much time with her children if she becomes VP.

    She will deprive her children of a mother if she becomes VP.

  5. No she can't do both... She is not going to be a "sales manager" lol. Her teenage daughter already got pregnant McCain should have gotten Jamie Lynn Spears mom to run instead.

    How can a woman whom can't get her home straight gonna help make world decisions?

    And yes I'm saying women whom are still raising a family should not be running for the VICE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES. This is not the PTA we don't need a good soccer mom. Sorry but the country needs to be first if you can't make that commitment then this job is not for you.

    Will you women stop being so stupid and calling the vp spot a "career" like shes applying to become the night time manager. It's a more critical job that affects the whole world not just your womens group. If she can't see that then she should just go back to Alaska and protect the polar bears.

  6. I agree that taking care of a disabled child is a lot of hard work, but dad (or family) can stay at home with the kids.  It shouldn't be a problem for someone who believes in equal rights for men and women.  Also, regarding breast milk, breast feeding does take a lot of time out of a busy schedule, but many working women use a breast pump and store it.

    I likely won't vote for her because I don't agree with many of her beliefs, but her s*x should have nothing to do with it.

  7. I don't like Palin's politics, but I'm not going to judge her skills as a mother.  My mom was a working mother.  There are a lot of moms out there with special needs children who work.  And it's unfortunate that no one asks about male candidates ability to be good fathers while persuing a presidential career.  

    Like I said, I don't agree with her stance on the issues, but I assume she'd argue that she's running for the good of not only her children but other children as well.  

    Assuming McCain gets elected, she's also going to have a lot more childcare assistance then normal working mothers have.  Which is sort of funny considering conservative republicans generally don't support childcare programs for working mothers.

  8. Women with children cannot work outside of the home..Mothers of kids with disabilities should not work? You are a sexist..I am sure her husband will help care for the kids..( husbands can take care of babies even ones with Downs) She has an 88% approval rating in Alaska. She came back to work three days after giving birth. If this was a man with five kids there would be no problem.

  9. A women's place is in the house..... the white house!

  10. Yes she Can!

    Would this even be an issue if she were running on the democrat ticket?  She adds a breath of fresh air to our American dream---she has consistently fought against wasteful government spending. Has shown she will cross party lines to do the right thing for our country .

      This is her time to shine----McCain and Palin will help to balance the budget as best they can---and to assure good success--we need to not only vote for this fine ticket we also need to clean the scum out of the house and senate that will not do the right thing for America.

  11. Sarah Palin will be a Super Mom if elected America's next Vice President to supersede the current VP d**k Cheney.

    She will be the most subservient official since John Tyler before he was elected President.

  12. This isn't the 1950's and the "majority of women" are -not- asking this question.^

  13. As far as her family goes, I think she is the only one that knows what she is capable of and what resources are available to her.  If she were to become VP, the job is so demanding and across the country from where she currently lives so I'm sure her husband would take a more dominant role in raising the children.

  14. Well, gee whiz...

    How would a MAN care for his children and run for vice president, or president for that matter?

    Shouldn't Barack Obama be home with his children?  He keeps complaining that Black men aren't home with the kids enough.  As president, he'll be trotting around the globe and in important cabinet meetings and entertaining dignitaries.

    What about his little girls?  Who will raise them?  How will they get along without the everpresence of a father figure?  

    I am a Yale-educated successful FEMALE attorney with 3 young children.  I will NOT stand by while one ENORMOUS ISSUE is pushed aside by men (and women alike) intent on hiding behind fears.  This country, in ALL of its history, has not once had a female president or vice president.  It took over 200 years for a female, Geraldine Ferraro, to be placed on the ticket as a vice president.  Women were told (by many men) to be afraid of her and the result was that the MAJORITY of women voted AGAINST her.

    It took 24 more years, and entire generation, to get a woman on the ticket again!  No, I do NOT agree with EVERYTHING Palin stands for, but neither did I agree with EVERYTHING Hillary stood for.  But NOW is the time for a competent, hard-working, intelligent woman with integrity to be sent to Washington as President or, in this case, Vice President.  I will NOT "wait" until 2016!

    I would have voted for Hillary.  I WILL vote for Palin.  And in 2012, I expect a Sarah Palin vs. Hillary Clinton battle for President, where the outcome guarantees that the larger half of this country's gender will be represented once and for all!!!

    I DO care about the issues.  And this is one issue from which I will NOT back away!

    McCain/Palin in 2008.  Palin vs. Clinton in 2012.


  15. I agree that her situation is more than one woman or man for that matter should have on their plate at one time. Five kids, one with a disability - It's more than what she and her husband combined could manage effectively, unless she has a lot of help.

    If the baby is less than a year old, is she breastfeeding? Breastfeeding takes up hours in a day. If she's not breastfeeding, why not? It's the best food that you can provide your baby. Isn't she the spokesperson for family values and anti-abortion. I think how you care for your baby once you've given birth is just as important as the care you provide before they're born.

    I speak from experience. I have two small children under the age of four and own my own technical writing business. However, unlike Ms. Palin, I coordinated my work schedule to meet the needs of my children. I found a way to work from home so that I could breastfeed, and I decided to raise my children instead of using nannies. I am completely sympathetic of working mothers who work outside of the home for financial reasons. However, Ms. Palin is not in that situation. She certainly doesn't need the money, and it seems like ambition is driving her decisions more than her desire to care for her children. Just one mother's thoughts. To me this isn't a political issue, it's simply common sense.  

  16. the only mccain chose her, is because shes a female and hes trying make history by steling obamas females supporters, i hope that the woman dont fall in his trap and chose for change

  17. You act like the VP's put in 80hr work weeks. LOL.  

  18. Her family looks loved. She is married to her high school sweetheart, and not part of the 60% divorce rate or one the the 1.3 million women that had an abortion this year. Cute kid.

  19. While I greatly disapprove with her as a VP, your argument is not fair and is sexist. Would you *ever* wonder if a male VP candidate would be a good father?

    She will probably hire a nanny, just like any other woman would do in a well paying full time job.

  20. If she was qualified to begin with, it may not be a problem.  So, no she will not be a good VP.  She is not qualified and does not complement McCain well.    

    The fact that she is a mother with a special needs child is inconsequential.      

  21. let the sexism begin. Can Obama take care of his 2 children? The women has a husband you know and Family.

  22. I'm not voting for him, but the answer to your question is of course she can do both.  Having that many children shows that she knows how to divide her time well in addition to being a good manager.

  23. Lil. She has one that is going to Iraq for a tour, one that will be 20 in 4 years and a husband to take care of those four that are remaining.  I'm sure they worked out a system as she worked as governor and he works in an oil field.

  24. I was wondering the same thing.  I think it's irresponsible on her part to take up something as important as a Vice Presidency.  Even thought the VP doesn't exactly do much, they still have to make appearances and if McCain is elected and happens to die...she becomes President.  If that happens she will be so busy working she'll never see her kids.

  25. As an Alaskan taxpayer with a daughter in Alaska State Government who knows Sarah personally,  I do believe Sarah to be a mix of Mother Theresa, Margaret Thatcher (with an attitude), George Washington, Daniel Boone, Michael Jordan and Bruce Lee.  She is the closest thing to "Mrs. Smith Goes To Washington" you will ever see.  Believe me she can do what ever she sets out to do, and do it honestly (an honest public servant, what a concept) WITHOUT compromising family.  She IS the real deal.  


  26. she has a "special needs child" + what 3? or 4 others?

    so i'm guessing my tax dollars will be paying for 24 hour baby sitters. On top of a war. how nice

  27. So, you are suggesting that women who have children should not have careers?  There is no reason to suggest she is incapable of being a VP and a parent.  

    Can she run the country and care for her children...?  Just a head's up, the VP doesn't "run the country."  

  28. Oh come on!! This is 2008, not 1908! Women can have successful careers and still be good mothers you know! Why is nobody asking this of the male candidates?? A fathers role in a child's life is just as important!

  29. Maybe Sarah should just sit on her butt and collect welfare. Would that make you Liberals proud of her? Oh no, cause according to you, she should have aborted the down syndrome child in the first place.  Make up your you want women to have the same career opportunities as men, or do you want them barefoot and pregnant? I have a great career and four children, and nothing at home is neglected. Pick a new look like a hypocrite.

  30. the vice presidency isn't a career, its a symbol. she has the opportunity to become the first female vice president in american history which will symbolize greater gender equality throughout the whole country. One thing about patriotism, is that it requires you to put your country before anything aside from god himself, even your family.

    she will also have greater opportunities to have her DS child taken care of as VP, then she ever could before.  

  31. First she has a child WITH Down Syndrome.  Not a Down Syndrome child.  Do you say FDR was a Polio President.  No he was a President with a disability.  So if he can be a President with a disability then why can't she be a VP that has a child with a disability.  She doesn't seem to have a problem being a Governor.  

    Being a mom that has a child with a disability I can't explain how important having a career can be and not just being a mom that has a child with a disability.  You can learn vast information for your child being out in the real world.  

    If he were a man this question would never have been asked.

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