
Is Sarah Palin capable of taking over the presidency?

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1.5 scandal ridden years as a governor of a state with less people than Baltimore, Maryland. Mayor of a "town" with less people than an office building. President of the PTA. What is McCain thinking.

Now it turns out that her first full length interview with the head of McCain's selection committee occurred the day before the announcement. It was during this interview that Bristol's pregnancy was first brought up. It this anyway to run a country?




  1. Absolutely

  2. I see how misinformed you are.  I suggest you do your research and stop listening to the Dem party lies.  She actually has way more experience, deals with much more than Obama and his campaign, and has much more money to oversee.

    Yes, should something happen to McCain, I believe Palin would make a good President.  Watch those Washington insiders begin to squirm!!!!!

  3. The Republicans have already demonstrated with the last eight years that capable is not a job requirement.  

  4. I'll take her, scandals and all, as my President over someone who hates my guts because of the color of my skin.

  5. No, & the people on here who think she is going so well with the voters are not looking at the polls Obama hit 50% yesterday-gallup & he has probably went up more today cause thing are not getting better for the republicans.

  6. Heck no.

  7. No. She has enough legal problems in Alaska. She should just go home! She is an embarrassment!

    On second thought, she should stay and give people plenty of reason not to vote for their ticket, which is pretty poor, and very white! As is their party of exclusion!

    Palin is insulting. she is unqualified, has a pregnant 17 year-old ( I only use this as Palin is the one who will not let them teach s*x education and look what happened to her daughter. Perhaps mom forgot to teach her about the birds and the bees)

    In 1993, Sarah Palin used a drift gillnet to harvest salmon from the Bristol Bay

    area without an annual permit. Palin plead guilty to the Criminal Negligence

    charge. Palin also had a case dismissed where she was charged with fishing

    without a photo ID. The case was filed 6/28/93 and was disposed 8/25/1993. The

    jurisdiction was the Third Judicial District-Dillingham. [Alaska Criminal

    History Records, Case # 3DI-93-00249CR0001; Alaska Criminal History Records,

    Case # 3DI-93-00217CR0001]

    In her 2002 Lt. Governor bid, Mayor Palin used city employees, telephones,computers, fax machines for campaign fundraising and literature. On her candidate registration form, she used her City Hall fax number, and her mayoral e-mail address. Records show that Wasilla city property was used to contact supporters, donors, media contacts, and media purchasing. [Anchorage Daily News, 7/21/06] (isn't this a violation of the election laws?),

    Palin Exaggerated Work Experience for Mayoral Campaign. In 1997, Frontiersman columnist Paul Stuart wrote that after Palin had criticized her opponent for using City Hall resources for political gain, "when Palin was asked back then (by me) why the lodge where she claimed, in her campaign, to have gained her management experience, had no record of a borough business license or of paying

    any bed tax, she paused and said it might have been because the place had no clients for a year or so." In an article describing the possibility of recalling Palin, the Frontiersman wrote the "reasons include Palin's alleged falsification of her credentials during the campaign last fall." [Frontiersman, 1/22/97,

    Frontiersman Editorial Said Palin Made Statements That Were "Patently Untrue," Said She Had Shown "Unrepentant Backpedaling and Incessant Whining." A Frontiersman editorial wrote, "Wasilla residents have been subjected to attempts

    to unlawfully appoint council members, statements that have been shown to be patently untrue, unrepentant backpedaling, and incessant whining that her only enemies are the press and a few disgruntled supporters of former Mayor John Stein." [Frontiersman editorial, 2/7/97]

    Frontiersman Editorial: Palin Doesn't Grasp the Truth. A Frontiersman editorial wrote, "Mayor Palin fails to have a firm grasp of something very simple: the truth." [Frontiersman editorial, 2/7/97]

    And you really think Obama has less experience than a mayor of a town of 7,000 people, and less than 2 years as governor of a state 1/4 the population of Newark? And she is already being investigated for misusing her office (firing her Director of Safety as he would not fire Palin's ex-brother-in law that was a state trooper! She has an attorney, and get this, her private attorney is the Attorney General of Alaska!

    McCain didn't vet his nominee, heck, they didn't even talk to their next door neihbors according to the Capitals newspaper today.

    The Democrats did though and have 62 Pages of information on Palin! (The Huffington PostSeptember 3, 2008)

    "She's been a mayor of a major city, a lawyer and judge, and a state governor"

    A major city of 7,000 people, she is not a lawyer or a judge, and she is a less than 2 year gov of a state with a population less than 1/2 the size of New Hampshire. New Orleans is bigger, Boston is 5 times larger!

  8. Absolutely not, and NEVER will

  9. She's been a mayor of a major city, a lawyer and judge, and a state governor. This is far more experience than Obama, and you picked him. I'm glad running this country is not up to you. I think democrats are jealous of the republicans for putting a woman in the position of vice president before they did. Too bad, you lose again.

  10. McCain has one foot in the grave, he is senile and frail and has no idea how many houses he owns, etc and he chose the worst person he possibly could have as a running mate; Palin is incapable of managing her own family so she is hardly presidential material.

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