
Is Sarah Palin designed by the GOP to distract the US from Bush's $1 billion giveaway to Georgia?

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Is Sarah Palin designed by the GOP to distract the US from Bush's $1 billion giveaway to Georgia?




  1. Why would he have to distract anyone? Wasn't it Pelosi, the DEMOCRAT House majority leader that said she was voted into office to save the world? Isn't Georgia part of the world? Shouldn't we be saving them? Doesn't your Savior, Lord Obama say we're supposed to reach out to our fellow man? Pull each other up?

    How come when Bush does PRECISELY what your Lord and Savior suggests we all do, you bash him? Do you think for a moment that His Lord Obama won't be taxing the life out of American and sending billions to every country on the map to try and buy back their favor. Please, lol...

  2. I'm sure it's just a coincidence  (Caugh caugh)

    Another Bush billion dollar giveaway! He's doing all he can to bankrupt the US.

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