
Is Sarah Palin like a breath of fresh air for America or what?

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I mean here we have a woman in the public arena who actually believes in God and family

Here is woman who actually has some common sense, I mean she actually thinks that we should be drilling for oil

Here is a woman who doesn't think the constitution gives her the right to murder babies

Unlike the other side that has Clinton, Feinstein, and Boxer to offer us

who want to destroy America in the name of feminism?




  1. Absolutely, well said, I agree she was a brilliant choice by our next President John McCain

  2. I find it refreshing.  Obama had this election in his pocket had he picked Hillary.  Instead, he chose the wrong path and picked an old white man, lifelong politician.

  3. That remains to be seen. I think we will all know for sure in about 3 weeks

  4. I am excited. She represents the change that our Government needs. I hope to see more men, women, Democrats and Republicans with her strength and integrity enter the political process.  

  5. More like gagging on oil fumes...

  6. I think the Republicans might have hit pay dirt here

    Bye Bye Obama?

    Lets hope so

  7. you go girl!

  8. she is a joke : back 200 years in time. she is pro-life but meanwhile she is a life time member of the NRA and loves to hunt animals. IF you are pro-life, you respect all lives.She pretends to be a feminist but she denies women to dispose of their body at their will.

    She has no experience in politics because dealing with a state which counts less people than the simple town of Jacksonville Florida is not what i count as a great administrative experience.

    She wants to drill more oil from Alaska, regardless of the damages that could do on the nature, and regardless to the fact that it would be smarter to get different sources of energy instead of keeping depending on out of date sources which by the way pollute more than ever.

    She has zero experience in foreign policies . Her only trips have been in alaska where she lives , to washington DC, and to germany to pose like a bimbo in front of wounded soldiers. Gimme a break.

    She want to promote in schools the only teaching of creationism, barring completely the evolutionism.

    She doesnt care about health care issues or education or at least she considers it's far from being a priority in politics.

    Does Mc cain really thinks women are so stupid that they will vote for him just because he presents a woman in his team?

    I was not necessary thrilled by Obama but i can tell you that 1) after the Obama speach 2) after Mc Cain pick , i will definately vote for Obama in november

  9. What I like about her most is she is lady-like. The  beauty pageants is probably what helped her with  that. The most important part of her job will be taking over if McCain takes a stroke or something, and as long as she's a good Christian  she will be fine if she has to do that. It don't matter about no experience, God will tell her what to do.   Besides, foreign policy is all about stuff that's far away, and raising a big family teaches you all you need to know about the economy. That fact that she don't know much about Irag don't bother me none neither.  That's what we have generals for. We all know that stopping the baby-killers is just about the most important thing going on in this world.  

  10. i think she was an excellent choice.

  11. Yes, she seems VERY Christian...being investigated for trying to get her ex brother in law fired and then firing the guy who refused to do it. WOW! She seems to have EXCELLENT morals and judgement.

  12. She is very much a breath of fresh air, I agree!

  13. Amen, sister.

    Isnt it nice that the dem party who supposedly stands up for women is spewing ugliness like I have never seen before about a woman they dont even really know yet?

  14. She seems like the female version of Harry Truman.  She doesn't care whose toes she steps on to do what's right for the people.  

  15. most libs hate God but she is a breath of fresh air for us traditionalists......Obama ticket is finished.

  16. YES! YES! YES! YES!


    When I look at Barry and Joe I see a ticket that I just can't get excited about. They don't appear as a breath of fresh air. They just seem like the typical old style politicians.

    However, when I look at McCain/ Palin ticket, I see an awesome ticket that gives me a sense of fresh air.

    Boy o boy the liberals are mad today. Yes!

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