
Is Sarah Palin more qualified to be Vice President than Obama is to be President?

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Keep in mind that the Vice President has two jobs, to break congressional voting ties and to stay off presidential airplane flights. The President gets to do everything else.




  1. Palin's "...articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking..."

    AND CHANGE NOT another Lawyer!

  2. Sarah Palin is way better with executive experiences, and more talented (working mom, athletic, and no-BS) than Obama.

    I am not racist, and I don't have white guilt.  My vote goes to the most qualified and patriotic candidate.

    Also, soon after I heard Obama said on TV that American has 57 states.....

    He managed to read his script wrong. 57 states? Can't count?

    McCain, Palin, or even Hillary has more common sense than this teleprompter-reading Obama.

    Watch out: Obama is a closet communist, and racist himself.  

    A) his followers openly hang a communist flag on an office's wall.

    B) Recent authentic sound clip of Obama making racist comment.

    Vote McCain and Palin 2008 for your family, our troops, and future generations in America!

  3. For one thing she is not a socialist. We know she won't raise our taxes.

  4. I'll just say that Sarah Palin has more executive experience than Obama and Biden put together!

    One more thing... There's something I get from her. Maybe it's the heart and honesty of a person that lives on the frontier. Does that make sense to anyone? It's hard to explain but for some reason I trust her more than any other person in the race.

    Any way, I think McCain made an excellent choice!

    Americans for America

    McCain/Palin for America

  5. Way more qualified than Obama! Hence the attacks on Y/A from Obama supporters on Palin's qualifications! They fail to see the irony in the comparisons between their candidate and McCains running mate!

  6. How would anyone know the answer to that? Who the h**l is she? Nobody knows anything about her.

  7. She is the only candidate on either ticket with executive experience instead of "legislative" experience.  She's the best choice!

  8. Yep she is.  But watch out.  The democrats will not do their research and spout lies about you to if your not careful.

  9. absolutely

    Mccain/Palin 2008

  10. Yes.  She ran a tiny town for several years... we definitely want her as the VP to 72 year old, cancer prone McCain.

  11. Yes by 10 times!

  12. Yes, and at the end of the night after all the libs run their mouths, it is Obama's resume that needs to stand up to Mc Cain's not hers.

  13. Yes.

    McCain just locked in this Hillary supporter's vote.

    McCain seems to have one thing Obama is lacking .... a BRAIN.

    It is very likely Palin will become president at some point in the future.

  14. Yes, she has proven that she is decisive where BHO will pander for votes or won't make any decision at all.

  15.   Actually, she is more qualified to be President than Obama. Afterall, she has 2 years of executive experience as Gov of Alaska. Obama has no executive experience.

  16. Her political resume may seem light compared to Biden, but how does 4 years as a junior senator and 2 years a state senator make Obama any more qualified to be PRESIDENT? I am scared to death to think someone like Obama, who 2 years ago was still a junior senator, will be our next cic.  

  17. Palin is not more qualified. She would be a heartbeat away from being President of the United States. I think we can say with the other ticket, the American people would gladly welcome Biden as the new President.

    While she has participated in reform within her state, she is not known nationally. Her views on the right to choose, death penalty, offshore drilling (including ANWR), and Iraq ("I haven't really focused much on the war in Iraq") are opposite of the very women she trying to gain support from. But above her far right-wing stance on most issues, the lack of national exposure is the key point. Barack Obama does not have the experience of Joe Biden or John Mccain (few do), but at least he knows how the Senate works. Palin only knows her state, and she has been a "champion" for drilling, drilling, drilling, and robbing our planet of its resources (encouraging timber and over-fishing). She even wants the Polar Bears to be taken off of the Endangered Species list. Mccain criticized Obama for not having enough foreign policy experience, but Palin agrees to not paying attention to one of the key issues driving the two campaigns. She has only paid attention to issues that matter to her; like commercializing the North Shore in Alaska where her husband works as a production operator (that would increase money into their pockets).

    Is this the type of person we want in the seat next to the President. Keep in mind that the Vice President will take office if something happens to the President. So her positions do matter; not just Mccain's.

    Her experience: 2 years city council, 2 years mayor, and ~2 years governor. This seems like a 4am last minute decision with a depressed and sleepy campaign staff.

  18. NO..This woman is not qualified to be Vice President in the least. She just became Governor less than 2 years ago. Obama was elected to the state Senate in 1996 and the U.S. Senate in 2004. She does not have the experience and McCain thinks Hilary voters are complete idiots and will automatically flock to her because she is a woman. McCain is a dumb a.s.s.

  19. Sarah Palin's inexperience would not be such an issue if McCain had not made experience the most important issue in this election.  I can't think of any reason (at least one that doesn't sound ridiculous) why someone would believe that experience is such a complete game-changing issue for president, but just a minor nit in the VP selection.

  20. Not in the least

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