
Is Sarah Palin pregnant and is the baby in the photos hers or her daughters and who has mono?

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How does the mono fit in - does the baby have mono?




  1. So many questions and so few answers about this mysterious and sly politician. If we open the closet wider, will she be buried in skeletons?

  2. the baby in the photos is Sarah Palin's, her daughter is currently pregnant yes. the "mono" is supposedly a cover up for the pregnancy they didn't want publicly coming out.

  3. Bristol was moved to an Anchorage school for security reasons.  She had been threatened by AS Trooper Wooten, Bristol's former in-law.  Her absence at Wasilla High was explained as mono but the principle at WHS let the cat out of the bag.

    Sarah was pregnant, and like many woman, especially prominent women, choose to hide the pregnancy as long as possible.  This is fairly easy when you are slender anyway and you wear loose business suits.  But you could see it in her face.  She is also very active and quickly lost her baby fat.

    Bristol apparently missed her long time boy friend in Wasilla and on the now rare occasions they got together, er, well they are hormonally challenged teenagers and it would appear they let things go too far.

    And the rest is the evil mind of the liberal press.

  4. If this is the best that liberals can do to attack Sarah Palin, Obama might as well just forfeit the election right now.

    Can anyone say DESPERATE?

  5. yes,no,i dont know.

  6. Wow you sound confused

  7. No, Palin is not pregnant. It's Palin's baby, not her daughter. Let's face it, the online Democrat bloggers who post it have no idea what they are talking about and are spreading rubbish with no proof.

  8. Sarah Palin is not pregnant, she had her baby in April. Her 17 year old daughter, however, is currently in her second trimester of her pregnancy.

  9. whats next will we end up finding out one of them are inbreeds to lol

  10. Let me clear up the talking points

    Saras Palins baby is actually her daughters baby

    Bristol Palin  delivered her premature baby after a two year pregnancy that resulted in the physical and mental disability of the child because Sarah Palin was giving a speech when  Bristol's water broke in her and then flew back to Alaska from Houston

    The 17 year old Bristol's child was born with Down Syndrome which was caused because Sarah, the child's grandmother was 44 and did not seek immediate medical attention for herself

    These facts are known because Bristol had a case of mono last year that according to the  medical experts on the DU and Kos lasted longer than it should have and because Sarah did not bloat up as much as the OB-GYN staff at Kos indicate every other woman who has ever had a child has

    Bristol then got pregnant again 2 weeks before delivering her mother's son

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