
Is Sarah Palin really more experienced than the Junior Senator from Illinois?

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Is Sarah Palin really more experienced than the Junior Senator from Illinois?




  1. Well experience should be measured in what has been learnt, not how long it takes to fail to learn it.

    So let's look at what she has learnt.

    She has learnt to be a convicted criminal - just like Dubya and d**k

    She has learnt to be fiscally irresponsible and to love pork.

    She has learned to hate America - so much so she joined a political organization dedicated to breaking up the Union.

    She has learnt that abstinence only s*x education is the way to go even if it does result in teen pregnancies.

    So yeah she seems perfectly qualified to be a Republican VP candidate. Unfortunately for her I think the US voters will ask for a little more.

  2. Yes. Little Wiener, she is.

  3. She has certainly made more decisions in her career.

  4. h**l no! Palin was a governor for 1 year and a mayor for 2....hello??

  5. YES and rthe dems here hate it. see how they only know how to attack and belittle her. silly sad little democrat sheep.

    too baaaaaaaaaaaad your going to lose. and baaaaaaaaadly.

  6. Yes she is more experienced that Obama, those that don't think so are either ignorant, or they haven't done thier homework.

    And there is a great possibility that they are both, ignorant and haven't done their homework.

  7. shes white. of course!

  8. The presidency is about wisdom, vision, and the ability to communicate ideas to the people who you represent.

    Obama has taken studious and wise positions on the issues before him, he has articulated a clear vision for America. and he is a virtuoso communicator with no equal.

    The presidency - is not and never has been - a reward for the candidate with the biggest list of accomplishements.

  9. What a laugh. Hard to believe isn't it. But none the less, Republicans will try and sell it.

  10. Obama said he's been in charge of 2500 employees and this huge budget in the hundred of millions for the last two years.  During that same time, Sarah Palin was in charge of 77000 employees and a budget over 1 billion.

    Gov. Palin was mayor of a small town - so that means she isn't qualified.  I worked for a small town.  In big cities you have employees that work in a department that only see what goes on in that department.  I had to wear many hats and be everything from office manager, to grant writer, to public relations manager, to janitor.  I did more stuff before lunch than some of my colleagues did in a week.  So IMO, that exposure is valuable!

  11. Absolutely, and she actually made changes, reduced the state budget, and is the Gov of a State. All Obama ever did was vote not present

  12. What does community organizer do? Campaigning qualifies as experience?  

  13. she has made more executive decisions and worked within the confines of a budget, while Barry votes present and bloats budgets.

  14. She had a little more time in government than Obama - to correct one person here, she was mayor for six years, not 2. 12 years total (as a city councilman, mayor, and governor), vs. 11 years for Obama (7 years state senator, 4 years US Senator).

    But some people claim that Obama is more experienced because as a State Senator his district had a larger population than Palin's city as Mayor. But you need to consider that Obama has spent almost 2 years of his Senate time on the campaign trail though, and the experience was legislative, not executive.

    Whatever. Whoever you support, is probably who you are going to believe. But Obama supporters are comparing the experience of their #1 guy to the Republican's #2 guy (or girl), which is not a good thing for them.

  15. Only if you need a moose sliced and diced.

  16. NO WAY,

    If she was really experienced would you really have to ask this question!

  17. Yes

    mccain thinks she's good, so i trust him.

    he has good judgement

  18. Executive experience trumps.

  19. NO.

  20. No.


    Palin: University of Idaho. B.A. in Journalism

    Obama: Occidental College,Columbia University,Harvard Law School- B.A. in political science and international relations. Professional Doctorate (J.D. or Juris Doctor) magnacum laude from Harvard.


    Palin: Winner of the 1984 Miss Wasilla beauty contest, 2nd in the Miss Alaska pageant. Won "Miss Congeniality" award for playing flute. Breifly a sports reporter for KTUU-TV in Anchorage. Also helped her husbands commercial fishing business.

    Obama: 4 years at New York Public Interest Research Group, a non partisian political organization. 3 years as a community organizer on the south side of chicago. Editor of Harvard Law Review, later elected President of Harvard Law review. Director of Illinois Project Vote. Teacher of constitutional law at the University of Chicago Law School for twelve years. Associate and counsel of Davis, Miner, Barnhill & Galland, a 12-attorney law firm for 11 years. Founding member of the board of directors Public Allies. Served on the board of directors of the Woods Fund of Chicago. Served on the board of directors of The Joyce Foundation. Served on the board of directors of the Chicago Annenberg Challenge for 7 years. Served on the board of directors of the Chicago Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights Under Law, the Center for Neighborhood Technology, and the Lugenia Burns Hope Center


    Palin: 1992-1996- Served 2 terms on city council then 2 terms as Mayor of Wasilla Alaska- population 6700 people.

    Obama: 4 years as an illinois senator- population 12,852,548 people. Chairman of the Illinois Senate's Health and Human Services Committee.

    Palin: 1 year as Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commissioner. Then moved on to serve almost 2 years as governer of Alaska- population 683,478. One of three directors of "Ted Stevens Excellence in Public Service Inc". Lifelong NRA member.

    Obama: An additonal 4 years as a U.S. Senator. Senate Committees for Foreign Relations, Environment and Public Works and Veterans' Affairs. Chairman of the Senate's subcommittee on European Affairs. Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs. Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions, and more.


    Palin: In 2007, pressured lawmakers to get the Alaska Gasoline Inducement Act passed to build a natural gas pipeline to deliver 35 trillion feet of North Slope natural gas to market. ....Alaska's first woman governor.....

    Obama: Sponsored over 800 bills to reform healthcare, ethics in washington, veterans benefits and more. Passed a bill that expanded healthcare to over 100,000 people in Illinois.. Passed a bill that set up community health centers to serve underserved populations. Passed a bill that provided the earned income tax credit to thousands of Illinois families. Passed a bill reforming the death penalty that had sent innocent people to death row. Passed a major ethics reform bill that banned excessive gifts from lobbysts. Co-sponsored a bill to mandate regualr inspections of Veterans hospitals like Walter Reid.

  21. Yes...she pulled herself up the ladder...Obama was carried.

  22. No. She's the physical proof of a poor decision which John McCain took more than six months to make. Given this decision, after six months of deliberation, what can we expect if and when he is called on for a quick decision?

  23. Absolutely not. she's been the manager of a Popsicles Stand for 2 years. That's not any experience that would lead one to say that she's qualified to be the POTUS.

  24. If managing to get your kid knocked up at 17 is "experienced", and managing a town of 6,000 for 2 years, only to step up to the big leagues and govern the state of Alaska (3rd lowest population in the US) for another 2 years, then NO, she doesn't have more experience.  I manage a family of 5, with three children between the ages of 13 and 21, and NONE of them are preggers yet.  And if they were to get pregnant I wouldn't force the kid that got them pregnant into a forced marriage to save my face on the campaign trail.  She should be ashamed of herself and resign her candidacy to a more qualified nominee.  

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