
Is Sarah Palin really patriotic? She wants Alaska to secede from the US? ?

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What does it say about Sarah Palin? McCain's VP was once a member of the controversial Alaskan Independence Party (AIP), a group that seeks, among other things, a vote on whether Alaska should secede from the Union. Is that patriotic? I think NOT!




  1. ........yawn.........

  2. Says she, like a lot of Texans I know, feels that her state could be self sufficient if it were allowed to develop and produce its own resources instead of being stymied by a federal government that should not even be involved in states rights.  We once fought a civil war over states rights.  We may do so again.

    Maybe Texas should secede as well.

    I don't believe it's true though, based solely upon your source.

  3. Time to update your stories,she was never affiliated with that party.Her husband was,but not her.Se has been always maintained her republican affiliation.But I now you don't want to be blinded by the facts.

  4. have susanmarie explain this then.

    edit to susanmarie:

    that doesn't explain the fact that you said the story of her wanting to secede was false... my link was prove she supported the movement to secede.. you were wrong. Read the question.

  5. Sarah Stalin wants to secede, learn Russian and hunt siberian tigers.

  6. Isn't it a school night don't you have homework to do?

  7. Lincoln was the first Republican President.  He wanted to keep the Union together.  Now, the Republican Party has changed, it doesn't think the Union is worth preserving.

  8. No, no, no.  You've misunderstood something.

    You're confusing Palin's Republican "Big Oil / Imperial" patriotism with actual American patriotism.  It's a common mistake.

  9. The DailyKos?

    Added: Tom S. has found a more credible article.

  10. Congradulations! Your question places you on the growing list of Obama's Political Pals. I will remember you by looking at my Avatar from time to time.

  11. That story has already been proved false!  Even the Dems have admitted it

    Get with the times, would you?  

    The AIP was holding a convention in her town and because of her position, she was asked to video tape a welcome speech to them.  She did.

    She and her husband did attend a convention of theirs in the mid-90s.  No one knows whether she was just checking out the competing party of if she had other reason for being there.

    ADDED:  to I am Jack's wasted life

    That is the welcome message I mentioned.  Listen to your own link.  Didn't you hear her call the AIP her competition????  She goes on to mention that she believes competition between parties is a good thing. LISTEN TO YOUR OWN LINK!!!!

  12. tell that to mccain-and tell him about her daughter

    i cant believe he picked her....

  13. she absolutely wanted alaska to secede.. jacks link explains that part perfectly. not that she belonged to the party but that she supported them.

  14. the daily kos is not a credible source. It's like sourcing a n**i website.  

  15. She's about as unAmerican as it come, unfit for VP like McCain is unfit for command.

    Obama/Biden '08

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