
Is Sarah Palin someone you'd want to hang out with?

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I doubt we'd ever be BFF, I mean, she's not interested in anything that I'm interested in, like education and universal healthcare, and I doubt I could deal with the Bible thumping fundamentalist her hubby, on the other hand, looks like a lot more fun even if he is a drunk!




  1. Palin isn't someone I would enjoy spending my quality time with....heck, for that matter, she wouldn't even be a great lay since conturds are strictly missionary position...LMAO!

  2. Yeah I'd hang with her. :)

    she's cool. lol :)



  3. I'd get her to mop my floor if she'd accept minimum wage. I'd let her talk to me as she cleaned.

  4. I like Sarah Palin. She seems honest, down-to-Earth, concerned about morals, and willing to serve the people. I also think John McCain is a great guy. However, I will vote for Obama and Biden because we need to make a clean break from the failed policies of the Bush Administration. Plus, I don't want Republicans fudging the curriculum in public schools to discredit evolution, a sound scientific theory.

  5. No.  

  6. No way , she's an uptight moralistic, religious fanatic. And any way, I don't like to hunt and kill moose at 3AM, like she and her daddy did,  I like my sleep too much, and I don't like killing.

  7. yes in my bed oh please god  

  8. WHY NOT!!! She would be great to hang out with!

  9. No.

    She makes my skin crawl.

  10. who is sarah palin?????????????????

  11. First female President, Sarah Palin.

    ( believe it ).

    You liberals are some sorry people.

  12. / I would like to hang out with her.

    She is interested in revamping the educational system by testing the teachers often and rewarding the bests teachers, instead of raising my taxes to give all of them a bigger salary without testing.

    She is interested in American healthcare, instead of a lowclass "socialized medicine" approach like the Liberals, where all of our taxes are raised extremely high in order to provide mediocre healthcare to everyone.

    She knows God exists, and doesn't fool herself with thoughts that she is more intelligent than someone who knows God exists, too.

    Her husband would be a lot of fun, too.  Sure, 20 (twenty) long years ago, he was stopped for driving a vehicle while his blood alcohol level was too high for driving, but I guess 20 long years without that ever happening again is good enough for me.

    What do you think?  A party with Bill Ayers (unrepentent American bomber and friend of Obama), Louis Farrakan (hates Jews, and Whites, and friend of Obama), Rev. Wright (hates America, and Whites, and friend for over 20 years of Obama), his racist White grandmother (whom he threw under the bus), Tony Rezko (Criminal who sold Obama his multi-million dollar house for under $300,000 of the market value, and also received millions in earmarks (YOUR hard earned taxes), and so many others.


  13. She's probably a very nice person, who is quite intelligent.  I'm voting for Obama, but I'm glad to see the GOP running a woman.  I don't like the way the media has put a negative spin on her kids.  It's not cool.  Kind of like when Obama said leave my wife alone I feel the same way about her familial status.  If she were a man she'd have good family values because of a big family.  There's nothing wrong with being a Christian and being open about it, as long as you're not forcing your views on other.

  14. MMMMMMMMM Sarah.

  15. ha ha ha. A drunk?  Hey, she is more qualified than The magic *****. The black messiah who is acommunity organizer? Who are you kidding. She is a better woman than you can ever dream of, so the claws come out. You probably would kiss Mrs. Clinton's Kankles, butt since she is to the right of the spectrum, you try and trash her???

    Cute. A drunk? You are well versed in liberal reporting, do you read US weekly? and also, education? She was in the PTA, are you? She worked up from the pta to this, so why you are probably sitting on yer rear hating on her, she has done something with her life. And you?

  16. You bet!

    Sarah Ameri-ca is great !

  17. Ahh, another nasty lib on the ropes.

  18. No, I can't tolerate religious intolerance.

  19. I bet she would be fun??

  20. It would be fun! She can show me how to hunt and skin a moose. And the she can show how to cook some moose burgers. After we go shooting at targets. And we sit down with the families and watch some football or hockey!

  21. I wouldn't mind hanging out with her in my bedroom!

    ....We could play a few games of scrabble and drink tea. I would be fun.

  22. She's someone I want to avoid.  

  23. I don't think so, we would end up fighting probably and hate each other.

  24. Maybe as a study for my anthropology class.


    -Abstinence only education?

    -Global warming hasn't been affected by man?

    -Pledge of Allegiance was written by the founding fathers?

    -Alaska should seceed from the USA so they can drill more?

    -Even in rape, incest no woman's right to choose?

    What?  She's crazy dumb.

  25. only if i need a moose field dressed i reckon

  26. I doubt it! I don't think I could "cozy" up with someone who promotes the slaughter of innocent wildlife and the destruction of the beauty of her own state as well as pollution of the ecosystem and taking away the livelihoods of the natives.

    1) Palin sued the US gov't to remove the polar bear from the endangered species list

    2) In 2007 she put out a bounty on wolves paying $150 for turning in legs of freshly killed wolves

    3)She supports aerial hunting of wolves and bears even though Alaskans voted twice to ban the practice and she used $400,000 of state money to fund a media campaign in support of aerial hunting

    4) Palin supports drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge and supports the Pebble Mine (gold mining project in the Bristol Bay Watershed) which poses the greatest single threat to the area’s salmon-bearing rivers and the people who depend on them.

    Not my kinda gal!!

  27.   She'd make a great friend because she's a real, honest, smart, vivacious person.

  28. When a person of immaturity has interests divergent from those of a mother, a care giver,educated no nonsense woman she will criticize but adds nothing to the learning process.Thinking the husband would be more fun after denouncing him as a drunk? This is the girl who will be ending up on the defendant's side on the Judge Judy show.

  29. Well we know her kids like to party.

  30. No. She wouldn't be fun. Neither would McCain.  

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