
Is Sarah Palin stealing Hussein's thunder??

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Is Obama jealous for the first time in his campaign that he is not the media darling any more? Does poor lil Obambi feel left out lately?




  1. all he's got to show for is biden, embarrassing.

    Mccain/Palin 2008

  2. Anna Nicole got a lot of coverage too ...

  3. I am here babe, and I am here to stay, this is the Change we have been waiting for!

    Obama promised and I will deliver!

  4. That crazy man is probably h**l to live with right now. Just wait on Tuesday, Sarah won't be an American, because Alaska is not part of the United States. Obama is hopeless, and desperate. Democrat for McCain/Palin 2008.

  5. no, he still has the thunder; watch t.v and you'll see him

  6. No she has nothing to offer the Democrats.  I would never vote for her and I was a Hillary supporter.  Palin would set women's rights back 50 years.  I hate women glorifying weapons.  

  7. The Dems are fuming, they have been ad it all day!

    Biden sent of a fax to Howling Howard it says   We are ******!

  8. McCain's campaign is the one showing some desperation here by choosing completely new, very inexperience Palin in order to lure Hillary supporters/swing voters. If anyone's showing weakness or desperation it is McCain's campaign.

    Palin is most inexperienced candidate nominated for vp in history. And McCain campaign only had 1 reason to choose her when she had so little experience; they want to get some Hillary supporters. It's highly calculated gamble and someone desperate one too. Why would McCain choose someone with so little experience when all he has been doing is attacking Obama on experience?  

  9. Brilliant isn't it.  The Obamabots sound like Medusa on the rag.

  10. aw poor wittle Obama... must be terrible for him... all that hype, with his "look at me...I am a greek God" flash and spin, with no media attention. Got to love this great move by McCain... GO BIG RED!!!!!

  11. Palin is just getting alot of buzz right now because it so unbelievable that McCain would pick someone with so little experience even though she was a mayor of a teeny tiny town in Alaska, and that she bacame a govenor because the previous one was dreadful.  Almost anyone could have run there and won.  Alaska only has 3 electoral votes to boot.  WOW, what a pick. (sarcasm)

  12. Yeah maybe Obama should go out and find a white 17 year old w***e to stand in his campaign photos like Palin has in her photos

  13. I think it's funny that the Liberals can't stand to look in the mirror.  Palin is Obama (minus the ideologies).

  14. I am sick of looking at him anyway.

  15. Not "stealing", but straight out b*tch slapped him and took it!

    McCain\Palin 08!

  16. get real. There is no way in sane American that this Botox Barbie can steal the thunder of Obama. She has no experience she even admitted to not knowing what the vice president's job entailed; so clearly she is not the sharpest knife in the drawer by taking a job when she doesn't even know what it is.

  17. Yes why do you think him and his fanatical supporters are getting so defencive wait until tommorw poll than they will really freak out

  18. I laugh at the questions smearing Palin, just as I laugh at the ignorance of people that think Obama is the greatest thing.

    And I'm glad to see something other than Obama on the news lately.

  19. thunderous laughter.. please.. this man taught at Harvard... wrote a few books and is a scholar.. you must think he is from the gutters of hawaii.. I think it is the other folks who are feeling left out..  

  20. It so funny that the great Obama has been up staged...Finally, I was getting tired of seeing him everywhere.

  21. His name is Barrack Hussein Obama.  Barrack is his first name.  Obama his last.

    We caught the racial slur.


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