
Is Sarah Palin the mother of Trig Paxson Van Palin?

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Is Sarah Palin the mother of Trig Paxson Van Palin?




  1. I love these attacks on an innocent infant. I print them up and show people wherever I go so they can see what being a Democrat is all about now days. They find it very distasteful to be associated with this vitriol. For you Republicans, it is a great tool to bring people to your side.

  2. To those who've read things from the Huffington Post and the Daily Kos: get a clue or five.  Here is an example of how ignorant these sites are.

    In the Daily Kos, a percentage is given in part of the article:

    "The final point of interest is that Trig Palin has been diagnosed with Down's syndrome (aka trisomy 21). This is an interesting point, as chances of having offspring with Down's Syndrome increases from under 1% to 3% after a mother reaches the age of 40. However, 80% of the cases of Down's Syndrome are in mother's under the age of 35, through sheer quantities of births in this age group."

    He links

    If you actually read the article, the percentage given refers to one mother having more than one child with Down's Syndrome, not the age of women who have a child with Down's.

    Let's take a little time to educate ourselves on a developing teenage girl and how her body changes.  Lets also remember that babies are carried in the uterus, not in the stomach and lungs...a "baby bulge" is much lower than baby fat on a girl's body.

    I don't mean that we all need to hop on the Fox News bandwagon either, but really.  Should something that is blatantly extreme left or extreme right be consider as a reliable source of information?  Or should it be seen as just trying to fit people into their mold?

    Make your own decisions and don't believe everything you read.  Be responsible, educate and think for yourselves.

    Oh yeah, yes.  She's the mother.

  3. You need to come to the office so we can talk about it." With those words, Alaska governor Sarah Palin knew that her fifth child would be somehow different from her previous four. Steeling herself, the 44-year-old asked to be told over the phone that day in December, when she was four months along. The diagnosis? Down syndrome.

    I've never had problems with my other pregnancies, so I was shocked. It took a while to open up the book that the doctor gave me about children with Down syndrome, and a while to log on to the website and start reading facts about the situation.

    he was diagnosed in her womb at four months yes the baby is hers.  

  4. Not enough evidence to suggest otherwise.

    For those of you painting all of DailyKos with one broad brush, I'll remind you that this was one diary from an anonymous user out of hundreds a day. It did not reach the list of recommended diaries and received a lot of negative reactions in the comments section. Heck, anybody can create an account onto DailyKos, even right-wingers, and post more or less whatever they want. So don't judge them based on what diaries are written, but by which diaries make the recommended list and which appear on the home page. Anything less is making an irresponsible accusation, much like the original diarist.

  5. Daily Kos is a Hate Crime.

  6. Geesh, I see you have already removed your brain from the gene pool. High risk pregnancy ...down's syndrome kids (a high risk in women of age pregnancies) are one of the highest tracked pregnancies. Try having a non pregnant women pump her b*****s, that's a trick too. Better yet, she so small for being pregnant, I'll put Sarah up against Nicole Kidman any day.

    Where are the democratic feminists on this, how sexist.

  7. Probably.  The KOS rant asserting that Trig is Palin's grandson is eyebrow raising but not compelling beyond a reasonable doubt.   It has enough factual erros, and very few hard fact to make a good case.

  8. Good God! I knew there would be attacks from the left.

    But to attack an innocent baby is vile and pathetic.

  9. There's a lot of interesting bits and pieces that looks like there's something being hidden, but I'm not convinced.

    Regardless, Palin showed crass negligence when she insisted on giving her speech in Dallas when she had amniotic fluid running down her legs, taking an 8 hour flight and making her way to some isolated clinic when she lands in Alaska.

    She was already putting the child at increased risk for some kind of defect by having yet another kid late in life.

    Oh, dumb name too. Poor kid already had problems.

  10. I think so.

  11. it is far more likely she is the mother and not her daughter - down syndrome is far more likely in a 44 year old woman than a teenage girl.  

  12. Of course she is - how naive does someone have to be to take the DailyKos literally?  Surprise!  It's not a legitimate NEWS source.

  13. I have no reason to believe she isn't and neither do you.


  14. She is the mother.

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