
Is Sarah Palin too stretched?

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Is she taking super mom to a new level? While it may seem like a great idea to have a women in office that can do it all, can she?




  1. Go look her up on the internet. As the governor of Alaska she has been deemed a maverick just like McCain. She has stood up to the big oil companies in her state and even taxed them unlike most republicans. She is like a independent that is socially very conservative, but in other categories open to try anything just like McCain! Excellent ticket!

  2. No, McCan't doesn't even like Sarah Palin.  He just chose her as VP for eye candy and to be a malicious scumbag as usual trying to take shots at Obama for not choosing Hilary.  

    That's what it comes down to.  

    Also, yes I do feel that she is too stretched.  Who the h**l does she think she is?  This woman had everything handed to her on a silver platter while she was growing up.  lol.

  3. Nope, There was not much exposure in racist media as it was in Wright's case.

  4. Sarah Palin will help get  the women and the evangelical votes.

    Not super mom, but normal mom is my take.

  5. Take her limited experience, apply it to a male politician, and tell me if you would accept this for your vp.

    When you have a bunch of kids, you are responsible to have a full time parent for them, one of those two needs to man up and take care of the kids.

    When you have a child going through a tough time, you don't put it in the national spotlight because of your own ambition.

    So I think she is "stretching" because of her ambition - ambition is good but she is overextending her ability to perform as a person and as a parent.

  6. wow, this is like talking about Miley Cyrus or something *rolls eyes*

  7. She can do it.  She is governor after all.  They just don't hand those jobs out.

    Palin in 2012

  8. She seems to have handled the problems in a family, the family life, and all the political jobs she has had and she keeps improving.  Why not give her a chance.  We are all only human and if she can't handle somethings in her life, she is adult enough to either delegate responsibilities or just be honest about what she can and can't do.  

  9. Hmm...

    her daughter is preggo.


  10. If she was a man with 5 kids would you be asking the same question? Does a woman have more responsibility to her children than a man?  Did anyone ask Biden if he was stretched to thin when he had children to raise after his wife died? Palin has a husband who is willing to share the responsibility. Yes, she can do it all, she has been doing it all.  

  11. She is a woman, and she will be fine. She can stir the beans' and turn the meat at the  same time. Women are just like that, yeah they are. Don't worry, be happy, we got her.I am.

  12. Do not underestimate the power of a woman!


  13. Every person has their strength and weaknesses. She seems to have done a pretty good job in Alaska even though there are brewing scandals such as "troopergate" and links to covering up for shamed Senator Stevens (both scandals are currently being investigated by state officials, so they may be false)

    However, I just can't imagine being seperated from my 4 month old special needs child so often- which will definitely happen being VP and traveling everywhere in the world on a moments notice. Also, with her daughter being pregnant, she needs her mother now more than ever to help her as she prepares for the baby and delivers the child. She also has two 7 and 14 year old girls. She won't be cut off from them completely of course, but it will be extremely difficult to spend a quality amount of time helping to raise the children, and holding the second most important job in the entire world.

    Maybe she can do it somehow and prove any naysayers wrong- but I know for sure neither I, nor any of the mothers I've talked to about her & this subject with could.

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