
Is Sarah Palin truly a Pit Bull? ?

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I have known more than one pit bull to turn against those that have poured their heart and soul and money into them. Could she possibly do the same?




  1. I believe they called her a "BARRACUDA" in high school.

    TO use her own (plagiarized) joke...what's the difference between Palin and a Pit Bull?  Lipstick.

  2. she's more of a poodle.

  3. She was making what you would call..... a joke.

  4. No, because pit bulls can't lie the way she did last night.

  5. If she means, female dog, or "b*tch," then yes.

  6. I  would say that just about says it...

  7. It was a joke people----- a joke;  hence the laughing at the punchline.  People tell them during speeches.  Then people laugh.  It was funny.  Like people thinking it was somehow true, that's funny in a sad, weird way.

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