
Is Sarah another country first, McCain campaign second decision?

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Is this a desperate campaign decision or just McCain showing us who in his judgement would be the best commander and chief after himself?




  1. No, it's a stunt to draw Clinton supporters.  Although, I don't know why they think so much of him.

  2. More like a desperate, irrational, 11th hour decision.

    Boy, did he make a mistake. He would have been better off if he chose Minnie Mouse.

  3. I think both the country and his campaign will benefit from his decision, conservatives love her, and if women really want to make history by voting for a strong,intelligent, self reliant woman as a role model to all women they will support her. Surely not all women will make their decision based on abortion only that is pretty sad.

  4. no.  

  5. Palin is a great choice.  The only one on either ticket with executive experience.  Do some research on her and you will see that she really outshines the other possibilities.

  6. what??????

  7. That's just nine seemingly unrelated words strung together.  What are you babbling about?

  8. News reports indicate that Governor Palan is under FBI investigations for wrong doings. In addition; its an oxymoronic stance for McCain who voted against equal pay for women to have a female VP running mate.  

  9. Have faith in Jesus and vote Obama.

    Obama loves America

    Obama is a humble Christian man.

    Southern Whites will rally behind Obama.

    Barack Obama is going to carry every state in the South including good old West Virginia.

    Southern Whites for Obama.

    Obama 08

    God Bless America

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