
Is Satan a demon? If so, is he greater than the other demons? What makes him the leader?

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But didn't the other angels go against God, too? Or were they just "backing" Satan?




  1. Isaiah 14:12 How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!

    13 For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north:

    14 I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High.

    15 Yet thou shalt be brought down to h**l, to the sides of the pit.

    Rev.12: And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels,

      8 And prevailed not; neither was their place found any more in heaven.

      9 And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.

    There was a war in heaven and the Dragon called Satan was the leader of those fallen angels.

    I suppose he was the leader because he instigated the fight and the other angels followed.

    Yes it said the Devil  and his angels fought.

  2. This is just a story. In reality Satan is not a demon nor is he evil. He is our original creator god who loves humanity and wishes to see us empowered. The reason these stories were written was because those in power realize that Satan teaches normal people how to have spiritual power through meditation and strengthening your aura/chakras. Those in power who wish to enslave humanity using occult powers cant do so if everyone has occult power that is the reason for the monotheistic religions. Also the Judo/Christian god doesn't exist nor does allah they are just thought forms used by those on the top to distract humanity from its real purpose.  

  3. I heard from my christain friends that Satan is the evil demon kings or Devil. The power of god is greater than this so called Satan.

    Anyway, Good triumphs over evil.

  4. You do realize how ridiculous this all sounds right?

  5. Satan is the Hebrew word for "Adversary". Anyone can be Satan. The correct word for the adversary of Yahweh/Y/Jehova/God would be Satan'el (as El is the Hebrew word for God; i.e. Michael, Uriel, Ariel, etc.)

    In the Christian belief, Satan'el, commonly called "Lucifer" or some other name such as Beelzebub, Ba'al, Mephistopheles, etc. he was the angel who refused to obey one of Yahweh's orders, apparently because he was too prideful.

    Anyways, he is considered a leader, as he was the first of the angels to fall from Heaven, as why he is considered the "father of wickedness", "prince of darkness", etc.

    Edit: No, there are two beliefs:

    1) Yahweh's army split into three: The angels who sided with Yahweh, the fallen, and the demons, whom sided with Satan'el. The fallen apparently still walk the earth till the Rapture where they shall fall into h**l with the demons, and be trapped with them forever.

    2) Yahweh's army split into two: the angels with Yahweh/God, and the angels who sided with Satan'el who are now the demons in Sheoul/h**l.

  6. He was the former angel of God who has a high regard to himself that he rebelled against God. Demons and devils are only his subordinates. They are the one who wreck the mind of the people of the world.  

  7. He isn't real... but even so you are missing the point of the story.

    He is imprisoned there as well, he is not their leader...

  8. Satan is a figment of a bunch of sickos' imagination.  It's the Christian sheep that make him the leader

  9. No, he's a Republican. That just makes him a little bit loopier than the rest. People follow him because they haven't found the path to righteousness (which is really next to the path of lefteousness, but any old thing will do when trying to explain crazy religious ideas 8-)

  10. They had this election and it was either him or John Kerry, so h**l went for the lesser of two evils.

  11. Satan, in Hebrew, means The Adversary. He was an intermediary of God's, sort of like a prosecuting attorney. He just worked for the Big Guy, presenting his case. God was judge and jury. Somewhere along the line, like everything else, the true meaning became lost in translation.

    If you are referring to Lucifer, he was the first angel, and the most beautiful of all. Now, if upon becoming fallen these angels become demons, (not sure about that) then I suppose he would be one. As for why he would be the leader, that's simple. He led the rebellion against God, so it makes sense that if the demons have a leader, he would be it.

  12. Yes. All the fallen angels are demons. In the angelic realm there are rankings of angels. At the top are Seraphims. It is likely that Satan was a Seraphim. The fallen angels retain their rank as angels - hence Satan is the "senior" fallen angel - and the one responsible for the rebellion in Heaven.  

  13. No satan is satan.  The other fallen angels are demons.  What makes him satan is, he was the one who rebelled in heaven and desired to set himself up as higher than God.  The other angels, who sided with him, were cast out of heaven with him, and they became demons.

  14. Revelation 12:9 is the clearest Scripture on the identity of demons: "The great dragon was hurled down-that ancient serpent called the devil, or Satan, who leads the whole world astray. He was hurled to the earth, and his angels with him." The Bible indicates that the demons are fallen angels – angels who along with Satan rebelled against God. Satan’s fall from heaven is described in Isaiah 14:12-15 and Ezekiel 28:12-15. Revelation 12:4 seems to indicate that Satan took one third of the angels with him when he sinned. Jude verse 6 mentions angels who sinned. So, it is likely that demons are the angels who followed Satan in sin against God.

  15. Satan was Lucifer, the Angel of light

    There is not much written in the bible about the fall of Lucifer and the angels that joined in his rebellion. It is simply not described in great detail. But there are mentions of him throughout the bible.

    There are different ranks of angels in Heaven, the highest ranking being the Cherubim. Lucifer was most likely a Cherubim. He was the highest ranking angel, endowed with the most beauty, knowledge, authority, and power. Lucifer was intended to be the control of the Universe. He had unique duties and powers, like all the angels. Lucifer was the cherubim that covereth. He was allowed to hover close to God and praise Him.  

    His Pride is what lead to his fall.  

    At some point Lucifer wants things run his way. Lucifer wants no part in stooping to the service of mankind (as all angels have to do). Lucifer wants mankind to stoop before him! Lucifer wants to be worshiped. "I will be like the One True God",  So Lucifer sins in pride by thinking he can replace God. Lucifer convinces one third of the millions of angels to join his rebellion. They rebel against God, God's plan, and all of God's creation. Lucifer's first attack is in Heaven directly against the One True God in an attempt to remove Him from His Throne of Glory.

    God and His angels fight back and easily win. Lucifer and his rebel angels are cast out of heaven down to the areas of the earth. This is the fall of Lucifer/Satan and his dark, unholy angels. He will no longer be called Lucifer, after his fall, he is forevermore referred to as Satan, the adversary of God, and the fallen angels become demons. His pride hardened; he focussed on evil, and only evil and can never change. Satan now walks "to and fro" on the earth, and may still approach the Throne of his Creator, along with his rebel angels.  He accuses us daily of all the wrong that happens in the world, in an attempt to prove that everyone wants to follow him.  Once everyone has heard about Jesus, and has had the chance to choose whether they will follow satan or Jesus, Jesus will return, and satans' reign will come to an end.  

  16. No. Satan is an angel. He is leader because he went against God and was cast out of heaven.

  17. According to the Christian Scriptures, Satan was an Arch angel like Micheal and Gabriel. So in that respect, he out ranked the rest of his 'homies'. :-)

  18. As C.S. Lewis put it, he is a sort of dictator of other fallen angels. As for powers, abilities, etc., nobody knows.

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