
Is Satan really all that bad?

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I've taken Bible study and couldn't find a thing in the Christian Bible that makes Satan seem all that evil. It seems his primary sins are in defying God but not maiming, killing etc. Am I missing something?




  1. His main M.O is to make you think He isnt all that bad :-)

  2. No, because there is no satan.  Satan is a built in scapegoat for a religion that relies on guilt and fear to empty the wallets of the sheeple.

  3. Maybe if they called Satan an American, it would put more fear into people.

    No, you're not missing something.  Satan is an illusion.

  4. god = not real

    satan = not real.

    so therefore, you can say that satan is good or bad.

    it's up to you.

  5. Well, "I have never personally met satan however I have seen his cloak from time to time... like once I saw it curl around a doorway in an ICU unit after the doctor said the words, "no hope"  I caught sight of it out of the corner of my eye at the back door of a church once after the preacher concluded the sermon with the statement, "Jesus Christ is not the only way to God.  Who are you to determine how God manifests God's self?"  

    (this is a quote from my new book "the Cloak")

    Maybe you feel satan is not all that evil, but i think the evil you are looking for is wont find it... the evil of satan in my opinion is from how i have experienced its evil and that is from the spiritual realm...the physical is only a deterant from the spiritual reality.  It is in the spiritual realm where satan is worst.  It doesn't really matter about killng the physical body satan...what matters is the soul...if satan can get you in a position of loosing your soul then the battle is won...and that battle is not fought with earthly power or might or the physical body it is fought with power from God.  Don't always concentrate on the physical for that is the cloak that satan wears ... it is used to shield you from the spiritual reality.  I am not saying to loose your soul in "h**l" either ...what I am saying is to loose your soul (the knowledge of) by turnning your back on God.

  6. Satan is every horrifying thing you can think of. Think of murderers, wars, mutilations... he's caused them and he delights in them. Just to give you an example, a murderer recently went crazy to put it lightly, he videotaped strangling a  boy and during it he shouted, "The devil is here, boy, the devil himself. The demon couldn't do what the devil sent him to do so the devil came himself. The devil likes to watch children suffer and cry." Then he goes away and mocks the Lord's prayer.

    I'm not even trying to imply possesion is real or anything of that sort, not at all, but I'm just giving that as an example of the kind of stuff the devil is "into." He is evil and he is responsible for evil.  

  7. Had a beer with him just last weekend...great guy, lots of laughs, great at darts and pool.  Just don't make him mad, he's a mean drunk

  8. People like to dump on Satan for all the bad things in the world, even if it's not mentioned in the Bible. Everyone's got to have someone to blame, right?

  9. Satan is the author of everything that is "anti-God". That includes, murder, hatred etc. Without his influence, these things would not exist. We would still be in the Garden of Eden.

  10. As neither god nor Satan exist this question is moot. Although if they did exist, I think I agree more with Satan's philosophy.

  11. Jhn 8:44 Ye are of [your] father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.

    Jhn 10:10 The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have [it] more abundantly.

    1Pe 5:8  Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:

    Rev 12:12 Therefore rejoice, [ye] heavens, and ye that dwell in them. Woe to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea! for the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time.

  12. I wouldn't think so. He seems to bring more pleasure than god does on earth, since everybody sins.

  13. Humanity is 1000x worse than Satan.

  14. You are missing alot.  You haven't studied very thoroughly if you can make this statement.  Among other things, satan is the father of lies, and he comes to steal, kill and destroy.  That about sums him up.

  15. Satan is a fallen angel, so I suppose he has some good in him to have earned the high rank angel he once was. I mean, God wouldn't make an angel that he knew would turn evil, would he?

  16. YES,he was a liar (the father of lies) from the beginning he promised adam and eve they would be like gods,he suggested to king herod to have all the children killed after the birth of christ i can go on and on

    his game is to deceive and he is the best . he's already done it to you and you don't even know it. if you truly worship the god of the bible

    i suggest you learn more about the enemy and his ways ,or he will use you and leave you in a mess and laugh

  17. 1 Peter 5:7-8 "Keep watch, be on your guard, for the devil roams about like a roaring lion seeking someone to devour."

    John 10:10 "For the thief comes only to steal, kill, and to destroy, but I came that they might have and enjoy their life."

    John 8:44 "he was a murderer from the beginning.........

    2 Thes 2 "he will use every form of wicked deceit on the world."

    Eph 6:10-18 "for we war not against flesh and blood........."

    There are a few verses.

  18. Satan damned the world to sin by lying. He is the father of all lies. If you think he's not all that bad, he's lying to you.

  19. In the Christian tradition, Satan is the one who gave us free choice.

    Satan really isn't that bad, he's just been given a bad rep.

  20. Um other than being responsible for introducing sin thereby causing the fall of man and producing every tragedy in history you mean????

  21. Satan's the cause of sin. He's the prince of power.

  22. According to what I have read in modern Christian Bibles, Satan was cast out of heaven for disobeying a direct order from God. However, if you really study the ancient texts, you will find that Satan was placed in His current state according to God's plan. After all, Satan is the most beloved of God's Angels.

    Unfortunately, the Bible has been rewritten and reinterpeted so many times that the most important part of the message has been buried in editor's notes.

    BTW, The word 'satan' is NOT the name of the 'fallen' Archangel. It's His title. His name is/has been:


    To answer your original question: No, Satan is just doing God's will.

  23. The Arch Enemy of God:Total Evil

    He is the Spirit Being that is trying every thing Imaginable to stop God"s Plan;He is a Murderer-Liar-Perversion-Stealing-but oh so "Religious",He has a Bag full :

    He launched the battle, Jesus won the fight;  

  24. No he's not when you look at the situation. Satan has never wiped out the entire population of the earth bar one family. He has never turned someone into salt. He might stiff you on a round in the pub though.

  25. in your bible it tells that everything is bad. there is no such thing as the satan. it was all made up to scare people into doing what others wanted.  

  26. Very nice question. Well, the deal here is that Satan is not technically responsible for the killings, ect. It`s through him that these things happen. SO basically whenever something bad happens, it`s pretty much him to blame. Nowadays, most believe God made us human and that we make mistakes on our own, and Satan has nothing to do with it. But others think every bad thing is fault of Satan. He is pretty much every lie or sorrow or bad thought that ever occurs.

    Hope it helps.

    ~Michael Sean Z Wilson

  27. Actually no you are not. Satan is good and this is what the church wants to keep secret. Satan created us and wanted us to be free from slavery. He also wants us to empower ourselves through meditation, and awakening our Chakras, and true spiritual knowledge. He wants humanity to enjoy life and best of all he loves humanity. This is the good news your church doesn't want you to hear. Also he is nothing like what the bible says he is either. The bible is just corrupted pagan mythology in order to enslave humanity and keep us in line, and distract us from the power that we have. Those on top who want to use occult power to enslave humanity dont have a chance when we know the truth and have the power for ourselves.  

  28. Worse than bad


  29. Satan is very similar to santa, sorry, i know that's irrelevant but yanno...and i don't know, god seemed to do a lot more killing than satan to me tbh but yeah, what god says goes so *shrugs*

  30. Lucifer (satan) was the first sinner.  He introduced sin into the world.  He was Gods annointed cherub but pride got the best of him and he thought he could become higher than God.  He led 3/4 of the other angels in Heaven down with him.  Some of those angels are locked up in Tartarus (a part of hades) while others like satan were allowed to stay free.  These fgallen angels are now known as demons.  They follow the rule of satan.  So you say he's never killed or maimed, etc. but he is thre influence to all of the violence, hatred, etc.  

    He certainly has killed.  Think of everyone who has committed acts of genocide, rape, murder, fornication, infanticide, etc.  All has been influenced by satan and so he is the cause of it.  The demons under him are carrying out his plans.

  31. You must be joking.

    Satan is the root of all evil and bad. He rebelled against God and fell from Heaven, making him the devil in the first place. then he told Eve in the garden that it wasn't bad and she sinned. Satan doesn't want us to go to Heaven and he'll do anything possible to make us go to h**l. Does that seem "really all that bad"? HE IS LEADING PEOPLE TO h**l!!! That is killing them! Killing their souls! Making their lives in ruin!

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