
Is Satanism one of the few religions that does not believe in sacrificing animals to achieve favor?

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Is it because the followers know that spilling the blood of another creature is a sign of ulimate weakness and that power come from within?




  1. Actually it depends on what tradition of Satanism you are dealing with. If you get rite now to it most traditions of Satanism use sacrifice. The word "sacrifice" simply means to make sacred. Sacrifice is more prevalent in countries where people have to slaughter their own meats. The sacrifice then generally becomes the meat for a ritual feast.

    There are Generational and Traditional forms of Satanism where sacrifice is carried out as a matter of tradition, a carry over from a time before the supermarket meats, when one had to do their own butchering.

    The Church of Satan (CoS) speaks out against animal sacrifice. But LaVey in his "The Satanic Bible" gives instructions for choosing a human sacrifice, then sacrificing them "by proxy" during the Satanic rite, by leveling a curse upon them.

    Another tradition of Satanism espousing ritual sacrifice is the Order of Nine Angles (ONA). They give some details about such in the articles "A Gift for the Prince (A Guide to Sacrifice)"Culling (A Guide to Sacrifice II)", "Baphomet & Opfer", "Sacrifice", where they refer to sacrifice as "culling" and the human to be sacrificed as an "opfer. The above sited ONA text can be found on-line in a pdf entitled "ONA Various Manuscripts".

  2. Christians do not spill the blood of others since they believe the perfect lamb of God can take away their sins on their behalf, because of His righteousness. You don't have to agree with their view, but you asked about other religions. After Christ no spilling of blood was ever needed again.  

  3. Yes your right. Animal and human sacrifice is a judo/christian concept.

    Jesus is just a substitute for the blood sacrifice in Christian services.

  4. Hahaha, well...  Hmmm...  You might be right, after all Scientology believed in alien sacrifice for human beings...  Neato.  

  5. In Pastafarianism, we only sacrifice pasta sauce ))

    Yummm )))

  6. Digging a little deeper. It seems, through what I have learnt, that basically every religion has a sacrifice of something. In the most common religion, Christianity, Human sacrifice is used (the Eucharist is replacing the flesh, the wind, blood. And also the Jesus in the church is replacing the human sacrifice.

      In Satanism however, we sacrifice our Time and personal pleasures to do our Great Fathers will, though I must say, one of my greatest pleasures is being a Spiritual Satanist. I hope this further educated you towards the truth of Spiritual Satanism.

    Hail Satan!

  7. Yes.

    No, the only sacrifice worthy of Satan is another human.

    There is not a religion in the world that believes power comes from with in that's what gods are for. Buddhism is not a religion so it does not count.

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