
Is School Really That Important?

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Everyone understands the amount of pressure that you are under when you're studying at school but doesn't it really matter if you don't get outstanding grades? At the end of the day, you can't do much in life unless someone gives you an opportunity to prove yourself. Results are only a load of letters on a piece of paper. If someone thinks you have potential even though you feel that you didn't do particularly well at school for whatever reason then do you think they'd give you a chance?

I personally think the pressure is too much nowadays and the basic objective of turning up at school to learn new skills and abilities is not the case anymore. It's all about pressure of exams and tests which can lead to depression. Why can't children just go to school to learn new things? It would make going to school more exciting for children which could have a positive impact on society...




  1. Grades are very important, but they don't mean everything.  When a company goes to hire you straight out of college, you may have no work experience at all, so the only benchmark they have to grade you on is your gpa.  I have found that most companies don't care TOO much about gpa, but they won't hire you unless it's decent because its the first and only benchmark.

  2. And the sad fact is that the United States has one of the lowest do-good-in-school pressure rates of the industrial world.  If you think there's pressure here, then ask students in China, Japan, England, France, etc what pressure they are under.

    I'm a high school teacher in Michigan and our kids have it easy.  They whine and complain about minimal homework and even about doing the simplest task.

    School (grade school and beyond) is important!  How do you think all of our luxuries were invented - by people who were just born with all the knowledge?

    I agree that outstanding grades are not an automatic opporotunity opener, but take a look at job postings on the major online sites -,, etc.  For decent jobs, you're going to need some form of higher education degree.  Why is that?  Because companies want to make sure that you know what you're doing!!

  3. I understand where your coming from, I'm just 16 and done my GCSEs, and its ridiculous how much just grades and exam results mean to everyone. i think more and more education for schools and the government is just to show that they are doing good at their job by making sure more people do better than actually educating students correctly to use skills and abilities and intellect through work or travel and life. the Education board in the uk seem to have lost sight of the aim and are being sidetrack for their own success rather than helping fully the future generations.

    you may think im a neek or whatever but i love learning about the world and how things work about views and perception, but the pressure of having to do well and not disappointing parents overtakes the joy of being to learn which is the initial aim. the past year i dreaded going into school coz their would be exams after exams.

    but what makes me more angry, is that i think over the past 25 years GCSE results in particiular are getting better and better. Yet the older genrations - parents and teachers say that exams are getting easier. can you believe thier arrogance. 5 years ago GCSE students took like 9 or 10 GCSEs max and in 2008 almost everyone i know took 12 - 15 GCSEs and that is not good enough for them.

    It seems that we as the young generation cannot win in any way!! :D

  4. YES!

    My mom would be so upset if I dont make good money and get into a good college,

    I see what your saying but who would do all the important stuff in society?

  5. School is a means to educate yourself in order to establish a good solid career so you can take care of yourself.  It is VERY important!!  You may think that most of what you are learning is garbage right now but it isn't.  You need to exercise and expand the mind and teach it new things so you may better learn in the future.  You think there's pressure on you now??  Wait until you get into the real world,'ll WISH you were back in school!!!  The world can be a cruel place and it doesn't take any excuses as to why you can't do will just pass you by.  I am 47 years old and I wish I would have continued my education instead of just squeaking through high school...I would have a good solid career right now.  Take these opportunities that are being offered to you right now.  It will greatly impact your life in the future...and make you a better person for it.  Education is not a waste of's an investment in  your future.

  6. That's why homeschooling has become so big. There are also alternative schools that are changing people's ideas of school. The point of school is to become a life-long learner, and some of what is done is tedious, monotonous, stretching, stressing. I agree that the testing has overwhelmed people and school isn't what it should be anymore. But by your writing I assume you're old enough to make some changes as to how you learn. Perhaps you can be one to help others make those changes, too.  

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