
Is Scuba Diving Going To Be Fun And Exciting?

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Next Week my Friends are asking me to Hang Out With Them at the Beach because they want to Dive but one of my friends agreed to go to Hong Kong which would i choose?




  1. ask your friends if going to the beach with them is supa important, if its not go to Hong Kong. it's a 1 in a lifetime! :)

  2. I don't know where you are at but as long as there is an ocean you can dive. Hong Kong maybe be a once in life time thing. Also, your dive spot is a big factor as to how enjoyable it could be.

  3. I can't speak to the Hong Kong idea - no idea where you live or what it'll cost you to get there.

    About the diving:

    I am assuming you are not yet a certified diver, so a strong word of caution: if at least one of your friends is not a certified Instructor and qualified to to take a non-diver into the water then DO NOT figure on donning gear and getting in the water with them.  It would not be at all safe.  Besides, a responsible dive shop will not even rent gear to you without seeing a certification card.

    So - you'd be hanging on the beach or on the dive boat and catching some rays while your buds are diving.  A two-tank dive can run about four hours.

    However, if you'll be headed someplace where you can line up a "Discover SCUBA" activity with a dive shop, then you could actually do a little bit of diving yourself.  It's a mini-SCUBA diving class and you actually do a shallow dive with an instructor and a small group.  Lots of fun if you can make it happen.  You will want to call ahead and find a dive shop and book the class because they often fill up and aren't something you can just show up and do.

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