
Is Sean Avery...........?

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dumb enough to tie his skates together between shifts and not realize it?...




  1. No.  You dance and wave your arms around goalies better when your feet aren't tied together.

  2. No, since he worked at Vogue he switched to slip-on Oxfords skates to avoid that very problem.

  3. i maybe the only person on here who does.... but i like avery

    he did well for the rangers and was certainly entertaining as h**l

  4. Well..He doesn't have to skate too much if he's dancing in front of the goalie like a monkey.

  5. Dude.. Avery is actually a smart guy! You may not like him as he is an agitator... but his whole persona is just an act when he is on the ice. In fact, I have heard that off the ice he is one of the nicest players to meet. Humble and down to earth. He does have an ODD personality, but its kind of funny to see him dressed all weirded out like he did for the Internship for Vogue.

  6. avery is smary guy and really str

  7. Unfortunately, he is a very smart guy.

    He's smart enough to make such an impact that you needed to write this question.

    How many other athletes or players in the NHL would you ask this question about?

    He knows what he is doing and he's making a name for himself as Madonna did by creating a personality based on shock value. To the point that most hockey fans know where and what he is doing.

    It's called celebrity and fame.

  8. That sucker is light in the loafers.....I don't care who in the freak he's dated.....can we say "closet"?

  9. All these people are saying he's a smart guy, but just about every time he steps on the ice he is doing something stupid or over the top....yeah he can be smart off the ice or if you meet him in person, but for all the times hes a dumb*ss right in front of everyone on the ice then that will ultimately make him stupid....

    He has a lot of skill, but his personality and antics get in front of it and that doesnt make him smart, nor a complete and rounded player

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