
Is s*x and the City a good role model for me?

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I have watched nearly all the episodes of the serious. All those women talk about are men, s*x, and clothes. They seem to be obsessed with their boyfriends and partners.

Should I be promiscuous like them? Wouldn't I get HIV?

Why do so many of my friends watch this show and worship these 4 ladies? Why do they look up to them? Do they want to be superficial whores????




  1. It sounds like you know the [correct] answer to your question.  But I do not think I would take any TV character as a role model.  They are fake...literally.

  2. yeah, and while you're at it, why not imitate the women in desperate housewives and go cheat on you husband when you get married? and why not imitate the woman in that movie private lessons and go have s*x with a 15 year old when you're in your 30s?

    the media is trash and it is selling selling s*x. if you want to base your whole personality on whatever will make men want to have s*x with you then dump you, go right on ahead.

  3. No they aren' fact they r the complete opposite from what i just read in your question. One partner is all you need, and that's after marriage. That's what makes marriage so special. And if any man trys to get more than an innocent little kiss out of you before marriage isn't worth your time since he obviously has the wrong goals for your relationship...i know i got a little off subject...but it's just something you need to know.

  4. I've watched s*x in the city and I think it's a funny show, but I would never model myself after anything I see on TV.  My guess is that your friends watch it and, rather than see it as entertainment, see it as some license to be shallow, vapid, s****s, which they probably would have ended up being anyway.  

    s*x in the City:  funny entertainment.  People who think they're just like the characters on the show:  sad, cheap imitations.

  5. Well heck, television shows always provide terrific role models! I'd say yes, do whatever they do!

  6. That is an extremely simplistic view of one of the best ever HBO ( not your public television ) series for adult viewers. It was always meant for adults, because we understand the difference between movie characters and the real life people. You do not look for role models in the shows like that, because you don't have enough life experience to understand what is really going on in their onscreen lives. You see, when we watched this show, we saw 4 very professionally successful ladies, who unhappily neglected to take care of their personal lives in a hurry to built their careers. Imbalance in their everyday existence does not make them happy, so they try to substitute it with shoes, crazy outfits and wild sexual escapades. It makes a great show, because we can see just how empty their lives really are, no matter how much they try to pretend that everything is just perfect. What you can learn from their mistakes is: build your success, but don't neglect any areas of your life in favor of others. Balance is the key to happiness. And, don't be so quick to judge others, before you had a chance to walk in their fabulous shoes. Smile.

  7. What your friends fail to understand is that the women of s*x and the City rarely, if ever, occur in real life. Real women don't talk about s*x so openly — or loudly — in public. Nor do they sleep with so many men in a six-year span. They probably take great pains with birth control, but that's still no excuse.

    If you want a TV show with good female role models, I suggest you rent some DVDs of The West Wing. It's a much drier show, but the women there are more authentic.

    EDIT: Wow, jonmcn49 liked my answer. That just puts the cherry on top of my evening.

  8. Listen to Rio. Exact and best answer.

    Hollywood takes human behavior that is well into the tail of the distribution and tries to pass it off as mean behavior.

    Do not be sarcastic, " River of Wood. "

  9. no they arnt good role models for you...there arnt any real good role models on TV.

  10. s*x & the City is entertainment. I thought the show was funny as h**l, and I can't wait to see the movie.

    However, I do not emulate their practices in any way, and I never have. If people are that easily influenced by celebrity BS, they need to really get out more.

  11. To be perfectly honest, I don't think s*x & the City is a good role model for anyone, men or women.

  12. Hollywood "role models" are anything BUT the models the should be. There are far better women out in the real world who should be looked up to.

    The women portrayed in these shows are a very skewed version of what "real women" are like. No one could have that much unsafe and promiscuous s*x without getting diseases or pregnant. Shows like that idolize a lifestyle that truly doesn't exist in the real world.

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