
Is Shane Warne Right?

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Shane Warne has said that without Vaughan at the helm, England have no chance of regaining the 2009 Ashes.Although he is a close friend of Pietersen, Warne said that' he (Pietersen) tends to get a bit above himself & doesn't keep his feet on the ground. Vaughan is such an excellent captain'

Do you think Warne is right on both counts?.




  1. Warne as a cricketer is a very canny.  However I am not sure that I trust, verbatim, what he says.  Some of it is genuine opinion but also a some of it is carefully targeted rubbish, IMO.

    Vaughan was an excellent captain and his problems probably stemmed from his fragile body.  I think that this probably played more in his loss of batting confidence as his dropping average than the weight of captaincy.  It's a shame really.

    For me, KP as the captain, lacks the leadership skills.  Mind you it would help if he had an bowling attack of value.  Easy to be a good captain when you have a kick @ss attack.

  2. he is right re england have no chance of regaining the ashes in 2009 but his reasoning is wrong

    the correct reason is: if you are a bunch of losers, you are a bunch of losers irrespective of which loser is the captain

  3. warne is never right! except when using mobile phones, i hear crazy john is going to sponser him.

  4. Warne should stick to IPL. This clearly is out of his realm.  He should spend his time supporting T20 in the Olympics and such other activities.

  5. I happen to think Warnie is talking through his (you know what)...

    Warne has too many things to say about everyone else and this time he is way out..

    I am positive Pieterson is going to bring nothing but good into the England side.His youthful energy is bound to spur the guys on..

    Warnie should pull his head in..

    Yes Pieterson is full of himself,but he is a good player who is going to get even better..

    This is going to make next years Ashes very exciting..

    I wish K.P all the best of luck in his Captaincy of the England team..

  6. I would say he is right about Pieterson but probably not the rest. The australians are not as strong as they once were so england has a very good chance of regaining the ashes. That being said, I don't think that they'll get it unless they play extremely well.    

  7. i agree vaughan should have continued

  8. if Pieterson sees his friend Warne ,,hes gona say,," your making me crooss ,your making me crooss"your making me crooss"


  9. He aint right about the Poms chances but I think he got it right bout Peiterson.lmao

  10. Warne's not right

    Even though i would have preferred Andrew Strauss to captain England rather than Kevin Pietersen, the main objective with any captain is to forget about the past and concentrate on the future. Pietersen has the potential to inspire England. He's been the main rock in the England side for 2 years now.

    Vaughan was a superb captain but maybe it was time for a change, Vaughan had lost all his confidence in his captaincy and his batting and surely Vaughan's atitude had to rub off on the rest of his team

    The Ashes is the biggest series in world cricket. Every match England play is a lead-up to The Ashes, even when we play teams like South Africa pundits and fans still mention The Ashes.

    Pietersen has potential to be a great England captain, if he learns and adapts quickly. Pietersen is already a great motivator of teams, and even when Vaughan was captain, Pietersen was the rock of the team. If Pietersen can develop a tachtician's brain as well as motivating the team, then he can be successful

    Anyway England have a huge chance of winning The Ashes. Australia are not the team they once were, no longer do they have the best spinner,wicket-keeper and fast bowler in the world. Without Gilchrist, McGrath and Warne (Australia 3 biggest match-winners of the last 10 years) Australia are definitely beatable.

    No longer can Australia just throw the ball to one bowler (McGrath & Warne) and say give me a wicket!! Australia's side is nothing compared to 3 years ago. Australia also have NO spin threat anymore. Beau Casson is a joke of a spinner (and he's the best one they have got) England will feel comfortable chasing in the 4th innnings

    England on the other hand still have all there resources from the 2005 Ashes, BUT they have more as well. Players like Sidebottom, Cook and Prior will only strenghthen the England side. So if England have a fit Pietersen, Flintoff and Jones for the Ashes series, then England can win.

  11. I like Warne too. But, surely these are ludicrous comments from a dishonest and disreputable source !
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