
Is Shawne Merriman a "Tough Guy" or a Selfish Idiot?

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I can understand the desire to play..but what kind of short sided mentallity is that? Win now..sure, but there is no guarantee he will last ONE game.

Do you think AJ Smith and Norv Turner will be dumb enough to let him on the field?




  1. He is neither, he's just trying to do what is best for the team so they can win.

  2. most idiotic person ever!

  3. more like a smarta** get injuried and dont play ever again but still get payed wow hes smart

  4. I have a vote  for SELFISH IDIOT! Who gets paid way too much money for his own good.  

  5. I think..... Idiot, I don't think Norv will put him on the field

  6. Not selfish, just an idiot. He has the drive to play, and that's great. But one bad hit, and he's done. WAY too short-sighted on his part. Norv Turner has the ability to tell him he can't play and place him on IR or PUP, and he SHOULD!  

  7. Both.  He is a tough guy that is selfish and possibly about to ruin his career.

  8. I think neither, I just think he's Just eager to prove himself and doesn't want to let his team down..  

  9. I would have to say he is dumber than a Korn fan.  No, scratch that.  Dumber than a Fall Out Boy fan.

    **I would say selfish, because he is NOT doing this for the team.  He is doing it for HIM.  Contract year, wants the fame and the stats.  If he were looking out for his TEAM.. he would be on IR and getting the surgery, so that they continue to be a SuperBowl threat the next 8 -10 years

  10. Having been A San Diego Chargers fan since 1975 I have mixed emotions on this issue! Yes, Merriman is one h**l of a football player! Maybe he feels with all of the talent the Chargers currently have they could probably win t-w-o super bowls!

    I know if it was ME I wouldn't sacrifice _my_ knee on the possibility of winning the superbowl or just playing the 2008 season !

    I would take a year off. Have the reconstructive knee surgery then train hard and rehab the knee for the following year!!

    "H A W K E Y E!"

    Vincent Reagan



  11. I pretty much knew that when he kept getting doctor's opinions, that he was waiting for someone to say, "Yeah, sure, you can play with that injury".

    Why else would you need 4 opinions.

  12. he is beast besides the fact he got jacked up by a 5'9" guy...jones-drew

  13. 1 vote for Selfish Idiot, please.

  14. Yo TJ long time no see.

    Some may call it courage and some may call it stupidity. I prefer the latter. He has no long term deal in place with the Chargers so they don't care if he decides to play. This is his last year of his contract I believe and if he can contribute the Chargers are going to get what they can out of him. He is a beast.

    The Chargers would force him to get the surgery if there was a deal in place, and if he injures himself permenantly they'll just let him go.

    Good to see you back.  

  15. Tough idiot. I like to think Norv Turner is smart enough not to let someone that good ruin his career.

  16. He's a  "I want a new contract extension next year, so I better play well this year" type of guy.

  17. Idiot?  Yes.  He should get his knee reconstructed properly and worry about playing healthy in 2009 IMO.  

    Selfish?  I don't get how he's being selfish.  He's sacraficing his future  to try and help the team this year by playing with a knee that NEEDS to be fixed ASAP.  I don't see how he's being selfish - I'd say what he's doing is the polar opposite of being selfish because he's sacraficing his own health and financial future to help the team win this year.  

    If you ask me, the Chargers and Norv Turner are the ones being selfish if they actually let Merriman play being as injured as he is.  

  18. He's an idiot but management is pushing him in this direction. don't think for a secong that they will ever talk him down. his contract is good thru next season, i'm sure there have been promises made but as soon as he doesn't perform or does permanant damage all is machoism will be for nothing.

  19. I would call him an idiot but not selfish, so i'm going with tough idiot

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