
Is Shawne Merriman stupid?

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Why is he attempting to play football with 2 torn ligaments in his knee? I know he thinks his teammates will respect him for playing through an injury, but he's a free agent after this year and the Chargers upper-management could care less that he's playing through this injury. If he injures his knee even worse, they'll just let him go.

So is gaining your teammates respect worth being broke because your team doesn't give you a new contract at the end of the season?

I think he should just have surgery and fix his knee and miss the season instead of jeopardizing his career.




  1. No, he's a free agent after 2009.

  2. Yeah, the pressure to perform in the NFL is tremendous.  The Chargers were on the brink of greatness two years ago.  However, being that they will not make a run this season, have the surgery Shawne.  "Lights Out", better turn the light on and use his head for thinking instead of a battering ram.

  3. Yes he is for even to consider it, there is a big difference when you are playing through pain such as sprained joints, bruised ribs, muscle strains, etc. NOT 2 ligaments!! hate that meat head

  4. He must be crazy to risk 10 more years of a career just to show that he can play through pain.

  5. I love the Chargers and Shawne Merriman..  He's a great defender and has a great personality.  But he's definitely being stupid by trying to play through this.  He's still young and has a long career ahead of him.  His teammates should already respect him by now, so I don't think he should be trying to impress them by playing through this injury.

  6. Yes, I agree, he should be thinking long term as far as his health, after all, he's only 24 years old.

  7. yes cuz he did steroids. he's a cheater!

  8. I think it has something to do with him wanting to stay a Charger.  You see I believe he wants to remain a Charger and by playing it shows them that he is dedicated, and if he does well while playing with an injury then they will keep him based on his performance.  However you are right, sacrificing your body and career is never worth it.  He should be smart and let the injury heal or get surgery.  His health is more important than staying with the Chargers if that is what he wants to do.  But I think he should cut his losses.  He is a great LB and whether he stays with the Chargers or not, he has proven to be a threat to QBs.  So even if he doesn't stay with San-diego, he will likely get picked up by another team willing to offer him much more.  He doesn't have anything to prove. He's already done it.  

  9. I agree, theres no way in h**l you can play Football at the Highest level with two torn Ligaments. Even if he's foolish to play, his performance on the field will be horrible, and Lineman and Runningbacks will Chop Block him on purpose because they know his knees are really messed up. Merriman should just get the surgery like a normal person would, and comeback the following year healthy.  

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