
Is She Pretty? UGLY? *****PICS INCLUDED*******!!! My bff wants to date her and IDK If Im ok with that!!!!?

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rate her 1-10 1=ugly 10=pretty

my bff wants to date her..and im not too sure..what do you guys think

(no rude comments)

oh and how old does she look?

and what type of girl does she look like

Little Info:

she likes rock music (the beatles)

She tends to be shy at time




  1. She's super pretty - i would give her a 9.2.  

  2. She looks nice, I'd say a 7 or 8. She looks a little like Alyssa Milano. She looks maybe 14 or 15 years old.

  3. she's pretty and no offense but its ur bff's choice i would say 7/10-no homo

  4. stalker much?

  5. She's pretty, she looks...14, 15? And, she looks like a nice person.

    Why do you care who your friend dates?

  6. well i cant see anything wrong with her in those pics.  she looks abt 17-21.  I think you like your bff and dont wont her to have him/her...check yourself

  7. she is pretty and i'd say she is like a 9 [nohomo] lol

    she looks like she is 15-16 and she looks outgoing.

    she doesn't look shy at all

  8. shes pretty, looks around 16 correct? she looks like an all around nice person who, like you said, likes classic rock :]

  9. she is definetly hot she is a 9 she looks about 15 thru 17 maybe and if ur bff wants 2 date her ler him unless u like him

  10. ew but if he likes her i guess i think shes ugly though

  11. OK, I'm confused.  Your bff (presumably a guy?) wants to date her but you don't know if you want him (?) to but you don't want anyone to say she's ugly although that would boost your confidence.

    I'm thinking it's you.

    She's pretty.  14-19 years old maybe.

  12. I think she's cute, and I think who your friend dates isn't up to you.

  13. She is very pretty,  I did not know that younger people like The Beatles!

  14. 6-7

  15. I normally don't answer these questions, but you seem very bitter/jealous!

    You said you're not sure if you're ok with it. Well, it's your friend's decision, not yours. And the way you capitalized UGLY up there in the question. Very passive agressive bitchiness. I think you need to think about this and decide exactly why you are like this. Maybe you have a crush on your friend? I think so.

  16. shes pretty maybe a 8

  17. shes pretty  

  18. uhh not cool putting up pics of someone else asking randoms to judge her looks.

  19. She's a solid 8, maybe 9. She is pretty.

  20. She sounds nice. And her looks isnt what you should approve of, though she is very pretty. It's how she would treat him. . Like if she is a ho/cheater. . Because you are supposed to be conserned of rather she would hurt him or not. Her looks dont have anything to do with it

  21. shes an 8 IMO

    the beatles are tight.

  22. 10 hot as h**l

    hmmm she looks about my age

    15 or so? and she looks like ur avg person

    sure let him date her

    heck id like to do more then that to her!

    but ur a weirdo putting pics of other ppl up and y do u care who he dates???

    and u got a bunch of old dudes judging her..besides muah of course

  23. does she know you put her pics up on here?

    that's creepy.

  24. i think she is very pretty. model material even. she looks like a happy go lucky, down to earth girl. are you possibly a little jealous?

  25. Ummm...guess what.

    it's none of your business.

    At all.

    Not even a little.

    So get over it.

    All the things you want people to tell you about this girl just from a picture is ridiculous and shallow. Rating some girl that none of us knows?? What is this? Preschool? How would you like it if someone did that to you? That is pathetic.

    Clearly you like your friend alot more than a friend. Either tell him or get on with your life. PLease grow up.

  26. I think she's absolutely adorable! (I hope it's not an attention thing and it's really you... but if it is... OH WELL, you're cute! ) She looks maybe 17 or 18.... I love her smile though :)  

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