
Is She "Normal" Woman?

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a friend who is divorced and has a kid, tried to set me up with a guy that is divorced with 3 children, has a felony, domestic violence record, and child abuse. She said I "deserve the best", and I would make a great wife-step mother to these children. SHE KNEW all about his past and he comes over often to her home.

I was in utter shock and disbelief that she would set me up with a loser, and a terrible man. What was she thinking????

NOTE: She currently dates a guy that is single, no criminal background. Why would she wish this type of man on me???




  1. I smell a troll... Two points for me!!

  2. The past is the past. He may be a new man. You have to understand that the categories Domestic Violence and Child Abuse stretch very far. my uncle as slapped by his wife and when she tried to slap him again he grabbed her arm. She called the cops, showed a little bit of redness on her arm and Bang! He ended up with a domestic violence charge. A woman I know was charged with child abuse when she spanked her kid at a store and some nosy woman called the cops. I'm trying to show that it is far too easy to end up with a record that looks bad like the man's that you are dealing with. Don't get me wrong. There are bed men out there and this guy may very well be one of them but I just don't think that you can judge a man by his record, Unless he killed someone.

  3. Didn't you ask this question once before?

  4. She probably knows only the good side of this guy. He may act perfectly reasonable around her and she can overlook his history. Now, that you know about her undiscriminating taste, you might want to hang with her a lot less than you have.

    I am serious.

    C. :)

  5. Don't waste any time trying to fathom her reasons.  Just say no and ask her not to set you up again.

  6. She sounds like some manipulative s****t that wants to see you miserable.

    I knew a few people like this....They will sugar coat things by saying "Oh he'sso wonderful," when it's just a joke on you. If he's so wonderful, why isn't she dating him?

    Don't get with him. You know not to.

  7. I see it like this; she wants to help him; thinking that all he needs is that special love from that special woman; it just doesn't work that way; he sees things different than what we do, that's why he does what he does; meaning she sees him one way; they always play that game; with you he'll be entirely different; tell her no thanks, but thanks.

  8. She probably knows him as the fun guy that comes over and hangs out not the guy who gets drunk and beats her at 2 am

    Just tell her no thanks and move on to the next guy, prefereably one that won't lead to the brady bunch
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