
Is Shooting a Pepsi Can at 50yds.....a?

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Is shooting a Pepsi Can at 50 yards with a .22 air rifle with 10 mph winds (tropical storm fay's aftermath) a good shot?

I sat the can on top of a big juice bottle. I took 5 shots 1st was a dud. Didnt adjust my scope for windage. Second and 3rd shot went into the bottle directly below the can and fourth and fifth shots hit the can.

I am 16. is this good shooting? just wondering. Thx!




  1. get it down to a old school film canister, and you'll be doing real well, adjusting for wind is half the battle. keep up the practice

  2. Consider this - in 22 competition the bullseye is .22 wide and most compeition shooters hit this time and again everytime.  Not unusual to see a score of 98-7x.  Where the 7x is a direct hit into the center bullseys that is just as wide as the bullet is.  Open sights - no scope.

    Most good shots can hit a spent 22 case at 50 feet 9 times out of 10 with open sights - no scope.

    At 50yards most 22 shooters can hit a spent 12ga shotgun shell 8 out of 10 times with open sights, and, go 10 for 10 with a scope.

    A can at 50 yards is a good start - some people are lucky to stay inside a 10" pie plate.

    Now you know the standards - shooting spent shells at 50 feet and 50 yards while plinking.  You should consider joining a NRA Junior Program near you - you will learn allot - it is where most all Olympic Class shooters start.

    Hope this helps.

  3. It is good, depending on other factors, maybe great. How certain are you it was 50 yards? 50 yards with a .22 air rifle isn't easy. Repeatability will rule out a "lucky shot".

  4. Depending on the scope, gun and experience it is a fair to good shot

    With practice you should be able to consistently hit the Pepsi logo at that distance with a scoped rifle at 100 yards

    Your goal should be a golf ball on a string

  5. Yes your on your way to becoming an Expert Marksman.*

  6. First thing, your missed shot was not a "dud", it was a"flier."  

    Second, you are shooting good, but you need to practice a lot more.  You should be able to put all of those shots into a hole the size of a quarter.  The wind should not be much of a factor at 50 yards or less.  

    What you need to do is sight your rifle in at 25 feet (not yards), and shoot until you can put the pellets into a quarter-sized circle.  Once that is done, slowly work your way out to the longer distances.  You will have to make a few small adjustments until you find the range you would like to shoot at all the time.

    The fact that you are trying to become more accurate is great.  You will get better as you keep shooting more.

  7. You're on your way.. it's proficient.

    I hit with a .22 pistol and can hit a can from 80-100yds... and with a .22LR rifle I can hit from around 120... but that's my upper limit with it. (it doesnt have a scope, just front and rear fixed sights)

    lol Tblbaby- "one of the best shots in the world"?  Did you just get back from Beijing then?

  8. not so much. also at fifty yards you dont have to worry about windage, these are for severl hundred yard shots.  you should be shooting things like pencils if you want to get good

  9. You should be able to do that with no scope... Take the scope off and practice that way.... paper targets are kind of lame... Shoot at cans, milk jugs and other more reactive targets.... With no scope I can get all 20 rounds from my Ruger 10/22 on 12 inch steel plate at 100 yards...... When you can do that then put the scope on......

  10. What that is, is a start. I can do better than that with my .22 off hand, using no sights holding it like a pistol. Of course I've practiced quite a bit.

    First off, take the scope off that .22. You need to develop an eye and a muscle brain eye coordination between angles and the gun's bullet path, and you can't do that with a scope. It uses the same elements as shooting pool actually. You don't need a scope for anything you can do accurately with a .22, you just need some good well defined sights.

    You need some coaching on shooting, and here's the best stuff you can get. Take that gun and get comfortable with it. Understand where your sight picture is supposed to hit, you set that up according to what works best for you. Some like the front dot over the target, some like it just under so the spot the bullet will hit is right on top of the center of the sight.You line up the back site so the front sits exactly level with the top part of the rear site, and exactly in between the two sides, with the target spot where you want it on the front. Now imagine you are shooting for THE bullet hole, not an area, exactly where you want the hole to be, where you want the bullet to hit.

    Then, being calm and breathing easy put your finger on the trigger, with the bullet lined up exactly where you want it to hit. EXACTLY. Then on an easy exhale pull on the trigger gently until the gun goes off, and it should almost surprise you every time.

    You should be able to hit the same hole every time from 50 yards, if you can't you might be a decent shot, but you could sure get better.

    The guy who taught me is one of the best shots in the world, and actually so am I. I've never met anyone better than myself, except my father, who was the guy who taught me. There is no reason you can't be if you are willing to practice and hold yourself to a high standard of accuracy.

  11. It's decent shooting and shows you are proficient. It doesn't quite make you a sharp shooter though.

    Keep up the practice be safe and have fun.

  12. For your first time, that ain't bad.

    Keep practicing, you will get there.  

  13. There is room for imrovement,  

  14. Mighty fine shooting, your well on your way. Keep up w/the practice.

    Good Shooting...

  15. not bad

    practice will get you better

  16. I once shot a fly from 100 yds with a bb gun in the middle of a hurricane.

    But yeah this is good.

  17. Don't quit your day job - a good shot would have put at least 4 out of 5 on the target, without the scope.

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