
Is Social Smoking worse than Smoking because you're addicted?

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Is Passive Smoking worse, or as bad as, actually Smoking or Social Smoking and why??




  1. no- social smoking isn't worse than smoking, and passive smoking isn't worse than smoking because they're all just as bad as each other.

    passive and social smokers can be just as addicted to niccotine as a 'full time' smoker. overall, the person who smokes most, will be affected by the niccotine and other chemicals in the body a lot quicker (cancers, etc) as opposed to someone who only socially smokes or passive smokes (which is y it's important not to smoke around children-as they receive all the chemicals you do as a smoker) does that answer your question??

  2. Do you mean from the perspective of health? If so, the answer is no in both cases. Social smokers smoke a lot less than addicted smokers, so they don't have much of a risk. Similarly, passive smoking doesn't usually expose you to nearly as much smoke as active smoking. So it again has a much lower risk. (Keep in mind that the active smoker is inhaling not just his own smoke but his and other's second hand smoke as well, so he *always* gets more than a non-smoker in a comparable situation.)

  3. all smoking is bad

  4. It's just as bad. You still get the smoke inside you but i'd say it's more dangerous because you don't know what's in the cigarette someone else is smoking. You shouldn't do it.

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