
Is Soloman finished?

by Guest58746  |  earlier

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I cant see him playing another game and no side is going to pick him next year when he's out of contract




  1. **Soloman will be rubbed out for a few weeks after the incident with Ling and it will be rightly deserved.  Freo will not make the finals so I don't know if they'd bother bringing him back to finish off the season.

    Fremantle would be stupid if they sign him up again and so would any other team.  He'd be better off hanging up his boots.**

  2. I hope so he has lost all his respect and reputation! He is scum even after he apologized for hitting Lingy, I hope Freo realize he is not worth anything and just don't sign him.

  3. i def hope so and agree with j b

  4. personally i think he should go awayy

  5. You would think so wouldnt you.. I mean Freo have gotta have a serious clean up anyway..

  6. yep

  7. He only apologised hoping to save his backside although I didn't see it, it certainly looks like it has done quite some damage

  8. Yes he is. Freo aren't going to make finals, and Solomon will cop 6-8 weeks for that cheap shot, so his season is finished. He's an older player with no discipline, so nobody will want him.

  9. I think Solomon is finished for the year though contrary to what one person said, I think he was genuinely remorseful for his actions and apologies on his own free will.

    At least he was man enough to stand up in front of the media and admit his stupidity...unlike Barry the Thug who makes false claims of remorse then goes on to whack another player..pffft.

    It would be unfortunate if Solomons career were to end on such a bad note.

  10. lol freo will take him they need him to much

  11. He sould be finished, that was a dogs act, i like the biff but that's not biff that was just gutless, lingy is a fair player and it was totally uncalled for.   It's far worse than the Hal/ staker incident imo, ling couldn't protect himself at all.  

    i'll tip 10 weeks anything less is a joke, that is the shite that needs to be looked at by all involved in our game as the lowest of acts.

  12. He is certainly finished.

    In regard to reputation & respect within the footy world.

    He isn't man enough to face up to anyone & maybe use his fists. He has a history of elbowing opponents - mainly when unexpected. He continually tries to snipe.

    I give him as much respect as I do to the matter that Isometimes tread on down at the doggy park.

  13. He apologised because he thought it would work in his favour.  Oh ... I'm so so for lining a guy up and taking him out with my elbow.  No Mr So-loser-man, you aint sorry, you just thought you could wipe a few weeks off the suspension.

    Man I am pissed off about this sort of shite.  (But I'm really pleased an anomaly in Y!A lets me get away with both those words!! :-))

    He'll be picked up by some team with a moron coach who reckons a 'bit of muscle' is a good thing ... look for him to join Port.

    Nothing wrong with good hard footy and even the odd wrestle or one-on-one but there's no courage in tying a man's hands behind his back and punching him, which is what you do when you attack the guy going for the ball or take a king hit.

  14. This Solomon has never shown much wisdom in the past. Could be his Swan song? No pun intended.

  15. no, he isn't - he showed contrition for his actions immediately, which is something Hall, for example, cannot see as necessary.

    it may be seen as politically correct and in order to avoid the tribunal, but Solly has shown that he expects to get pinged for his irresponsibility.

    I wish we still had him at the Bombers. Maybe we will again. Meanwhile his season is in shreds, as maybe that of the man he belted. Not a good result in either case.

  16. He should be gone for good...... he's lost pretty much all respect from supporters and is literally a knuckle head...... the hit on Ling was deliberate and anyone who plays footy like that dos'nt deserve to be there!!!!! Move him on and make way for newer, younger players...... My opinion is he's hit his used by date!!!!

  17. solomon is still a valuable player to fremantle. he will serve his suspension then return to fremantle.

  18. I hope he is.

    He was dragged screaming & kicking before the TV camera to say, "I'm sorry". Well, golly gee, he certainly didn't look too sorry when he hit Ling.

    Anyone who hits another player like that - when  body contact should not even have been applied; with a raised elbow to the face, intended to cause injury - can only be described as cowardly & low.

    I hope he is rubbed out for the season. Fremantle have shown they foster such players in their ranks. They recruited him as a knuckle man & they will retain him as a knuckle man!
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